<Full Frontal> Recruiting for 11.1 and Season 2

Hello everyone. Full Frontal is established by friends dedicated to AOTC/M+ gaming and having fun while doing so. We have families, jobs, goals, and other responsibilities outside the game, but we also have in-game goals to achieve every tier. As we’re starting up just before the expansion, all classes/specs are open for recruitment. We like to keep a low profile and keep it light. No drama is tolerated. We know that issues will arise, and we are open to discussing things and ensuring everyone can agree and be satisfied with the results. The age group in the guild is currently mid-20s-40 years old (I’m the old man). We don’t have a loot council, as we aren’t going super hard and feel that sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don’t. That’s life for ya. If you feel like you could be a good fit or are just looking for a place to chill, talk about your day, and escape reality to push some keys/kill some bosses, reach out and give us a shout.

Guild & Server: Full Frontal - Stormrage

Raid Time/Day: Saturday 8:00PM - 11:00PM EST

Current Progression: 8/8H 1/8M

Recruitment Contacts: @billient - Discord / BattleTag - Billient#1810

Requirements: Come prepared with enchants/consumables and general knowledge of your class and boss fights. Be upbeat, chill, and always open to learning and growing. AOTC and family-focused. Always do your best to improve.

Needs: Open recruitment for all classes and specs.

Still lookin…

Keep bumpin it to the moon

Looking for all!

Always looking for more people

Open to all classes and specs. Come hang out for TWW release and further…

All are welcome

Keep em coming

It is still open to everyone who’s looking for a home and wants to raid TWW. One week to go!

Looking for a select few but always open to anyone wanting to game and chill.

Needs: Druid - Balance/Resto, Evoker - Devastation pref, Priest - Shadow pref, Monk - Windwalker pref.

Hello, i would like to enjoy in your guild.

Great. Contact me in-game via bnet tag or discord and we can chat more.

We are looking for resto shaman and melee DPS.

me a Retribution Paladin / warlock and Resto Shaman are looking for a home to raid bennett#6233 is my discord tag

I’ll reach out :slight_smile:

I would like to enjoy the guild. Whats is the raid time ?

Looking for M+ players and healers for raid.

Hey Ret/Holly Pally here. Healed M+ and some raids last expansion. Looking for a chill guild to run content with.

Recruiting for 11.1 and Season 2 M+

Open to all classes and specs.