Full day credit to players

Fair. Blizzard used to.

Anyway the thread is getting a tad heated, so I’m ducking out. Cheers.

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I’d agree, but also… I’d bet the farm that today’s extended maintenance will be met with “emergency maintenance” tomorrow and “extended maintenance” again on Friday.


Honestly this is nothing back during early expansions the prepatch had half the realms down for almost 24hrs this is rookie #.


A day credit still only boils down to about 50 cents. Not worth making a stink over 50 cents.

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1 more hour! I’m so excited

Do you mean 1 more hour or 50 minutes from now when they extend it 2-3 hours?

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Welcome to basically every major patch day since this game was launched. They’ve never gifted players a day of play time and they’re not going to start now.

All times are ETA. Remember, the E stands for Estimated. No times are guaranteed.


i find your lack of faith disturbing


Actually, yes they have, but it has been a very long time. When they upgraded their hardware, it knocked everything offline for more than a day, and they compensated everyone with gametime. Again, when WotLK was released, it also knocked everything out of whack and they compensated everyone with gametime. Since then, things have gone much smoother, but anything new, like warbands, can cause issues with the implementation to live.

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You underestimate the power of the maintanece machine the ultimate terror bow before u choke on ur ambition.

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The thing is you set up a server prior to release and test, test, test the after no errors in test you do a release, that why the test is done on a test server before anything is moved forward, you know the test server is a pre install then do the install fix the issues so on Tests done.

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Yeah, they do that. They even have a Public Test Server so they can try testing with real players in the mix.

That is a tiny tiny controlled environment though compared to a world wide release across multiple databases to millions of customers with tens of millions of characters.

There is no way to replicate the real world Live infrastructure on a “test server”. You just can’t get all those data centers and millions of player accounts/connections.

I am not surprised at all this is taking forever. I also expect we will have more Maint this week as things show up and need fixing.


Games live now

We can have Quality Assurance (make sure it’s right before the customer even sees it) or we can have Quality Control (fix it once people complain). Personally, I’d rather have one long patch day than weeks of hours lost every other day with multiple patches on patches.

Incorrect, unless you were emphasizing on the single day being credited. Back in the day when things were way less stable and downtime really was counting in days, sometimes weeks - they did credit the players time. The last time that they did was the headache of the Warlords of Draenor release.

Source Side note - I actually was not anticipating it to be right there on the real Wikipedia, but it still gave me what I needed.



I worked socials for a company I can guarantee literally everyone on here has an account for. Spreading out reach is the smart thing to do. If they kept comms solely to their own platform, and said platform is currently in maintenance… how would they reach out?


You must be new, this is not true. Players were reimbursed gametime during Burning Crusade, and I believe possibly Warlords of Draenor.

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People should just expect the game going down at (early) release as usual. This is what happens at nearly every expansion anyway.


This may seem silly, but if any compensation is offered, it would only be for currently active subscriptions, correct? As an F2P player, I’d hate to be granted “free” game time and then “accidentally” level up one of my level 20s to level 21 and then be locked out of it the next day. :scream: