Full day credit to players

We can have Quality Assurance (make sure it’s right before the customer even sees it) or we can have Quality Control (fix it once people complain). Personally, I’d rather have one long patch day than weeks of hours lost every other day with multiple patches on patches.

Incorrect, unless you were emphasizing on the single day being credited. Back in the day when things were way less stable and downtime really was counting in days, sometimes weeks - they did credit the players time. The last time that they did was the headache of the Warlords of Draenor release.

Source Side note - I actually was not anticipating it to be right there on the real Wikipedia, but it still gave me what I needed.



I worked socials for a company I can guarantee literally everyone on here has an account for. Spreading out reach is the smart thing to do. If they kept comms solely to their own platform, and said platform is currently in maintenance… how would they reach out?


You must be new, this is not true. Players were reimbursed gametime during Burning Crusade, and I believe possibly Warlords of Draenor.

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People should just expect the game going down at (early) release as usual. This is what happens at nearly every expansion anyway.


This may seem silly, but if any compensation is offered, it would only be for currently active subscriptions, correct? As an F2P player, I’d hate to be granted “free” game time and then “accidentally” level up one of my level 20s to level 21 and then be locked out of it the next day. :scream:

That is the way the compensation worked in the past.

i’m sure you’d be able to tell the difference if the big INACTIVE tag suddenly wasn’t there.

Ha ha… true dat. Not to mention the gigantic ad to re-subscribe plastered over the character on the character select screen.

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Well said.


I vote to have everyone compensated for each day all the bugs remain active.

Some people are having issues to the point of the game not being playable.

And shame on anyone that is DDOS’ing Blizzard. People pay a lot of money to play this game and are attached to their characters and the people they play with. Just because you have a grievance with Blizzard doesn’t mean you should be taking it out on everyone. There are other ways to handle it.

You’re welcome to make such a suggestion in the General Discussion forums. CS is not involved in those decisions.

Having read many threads with these sorts of “comments”, they don’t tend to boil down to the game not being playable, but rather, not exactly perfect or not what they want.

For the most part, the game is absolutely playable.

I’m not aware of any recent DDOS attacks. Was there a Blizz post on this that I missed? And yes, those are actually considered illegal and not recommended.


Thank-you for the reply.

I was just adding my 2 cents where the title and the topic of the thread matched what I was looking for.

The DDOS thing is in this thread, scroll up, white band of copy pasted from wikipedia from Warlords launch.

Mind linking to such? The only ones talking about DDoS is you from what I can see.

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I think you heavily misunderstood what they posted - they’re replying to when Blizzard gave time. Blizzard isn’t being DDoS now.

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I know, it was during warlords launch. As I found out.

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This is also a totaly different situation then a ddos were lucky we got free day.

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