Fstack Frame Attribute Show/Hide question

Hello all,
I had a blizzard tutorial element “KeyboardMouseConfirmButton” show up today, though invisible, blocking parts of my UI when using ElvUI. This region, shown using /fstack, nullifies a part of the screen which happened to be over some of my actionbars.

I brought up the frame attributes when hovering over this region and pressing Ctrl, and there’s the option to deselect “Show”, which removed the element and is no longer blocking the UI.

My question here is, since the element is now undetectable when using /fstack, is there a way to bring up the frame attribute for it again, in case I need to re-show it? Worried it might break the tutorial stuff for any new alts I make.

Thanks in advance!

KeyboardMouseConfirmButton:Show() should show it again or /tinspect KeyboardMouseConfirmButton should open the inspect frame. Since it doesn’t seem to be a userplaced frame, a simple UI reload will probably restore it as well.

Thank you!