
It’s on the forums?! Well, the answer’s easy then.

We’re all crazy here, just ignore us.

We just all love the sound of our own voices, and it can get darned annoying when somebody tries to interrupt your perfectly good rant. As if anybody cared what they have to say, being as they aren’t, well, you.


At least you accept your sensitivity. Good luck with that.

How dare you contradict my narrative of self-loathing?


You were in the thread, and thanks for the compliment :slight_smile:

Yep, that’s the one and looking at her history, she’s something.

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I know it’s easier said - or typed - and done, but don’t sweat it. We can chat more about how much you loathe our homie Nommi

Did somebody say Satan? I could swear I just heard someone say Satan.


Anyway, thanks for the help. :heart:

It’s waaaaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime.

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day to everyone! :rose:

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I…I don’t have cooking on Fairlight. Nor fishing.

I’m a bourgeoise paladin. I can’t relate


Well then, let me just take this opportunity to say:


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You have vision beyond sight my hip, elven friend. Now can you cook me something? It appears my squire has wandered off yet again with the food.

Oh, sure. Let me just – waaaaaait a minute!

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Then… just don’t read the things that this poster types?

Now, don’t be jealous Sel, female trolls are pretty. :heart_eyes:

Reporting and Flagging are the same thing. :man_shrugging:

Wait, what sites? What do you mean “this person has me in their sites”? You mean sights? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh thanks. :slight_smile: :+1:


Then, i don’t know, go do something that makes you happy. Like Water polo or something. :man_shrugging:

He/She does mean sights, yes.

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Just do what I do an give them a good old insult and continue fighting with them until they declare they’re done with me and stop replying

When you get really good at it you can drop the insults directly but make them feel attacked enough to have to resort to insults themselves then you report them

Forums pvp is sometimes better than in game pvp

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Yea, that’s a great way to get you in trouble as well if they find you insulting the other person when you report them. Unless the mod only sees what you have reported and don’t investigate further, i don’t see how that’s a good idea to report anybody while insulting them. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Getting into a silly little insult war without reporting (or what you call it “Forum PvP”) is… fine. I don’t recommend it, but it’s marginally better and somewhat respectable then doing that while using the report as your proverbial shield. :roll_eyes: :man_shrugging:

Turn your forums warmode on for bonuses

I’l pass.

Typical alliance

Sorry, but the bonuses aren’t worth it to me. Much rather take it slow and semi-peaceful, and be efficient with my tasks.