Frustration with VElves and Nightborne

Not to mention the Night Elf casting animations that they use are pretty bad for dps casters.

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No it isn’t. It was attacked and ravaged, not razed to the ground.

They put up the shield after the City was attacked several times.

You just don’t know the lore.

Night Elves are Matriarchal. Tyrande is a Warrior. War of the Shifting Sands, not Burning Sands.

Do not talk about Nelf lore if you don’t know nelf lore.


What are you the keeper of all Nelf lore?


If there is any one thing that I actually know and nothing else, that one thing is nelf lore.

I don’t care. I just don’t think anyone appreciates being told, “Do not talk about Nelf lore if you don’t know nelf lore.”


I don’t appreciate a lot of the things she was saying either… Sometimes that happens.

Don’t let them hear that, or they’ll kill you with the power of triangle migraines or bouncy one-footed baseball pitches.

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Yeah, but them being wrong isn’t a good reason for you to tell them to stop talking about something. It just makes you look like a troll.

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Mistakes are fine. Not knowing something is fine. Asking questions is fine… But if you are going to challenge someone’s knowledge of the lore, you better know what you are talking about. Don’t make a claim and back it up with all sorts of false information, and keep it going for 50 posts across 3 different threads. Derailing all three threads in the process.


As you’ve said here, your purpose for this thread wasn’t to debate kaldorei culture or if it was reasonable that the nightborne joined the Horde (since you obviously don’t think so). It was to make people aware of how jilted night elf players supposedly feel because of Blizzard’s choice in allied race allocation.

But I think by gauging most of the posts in this thread, many that belong to prominent night elf players, one can conclude that your opinions may not be as widely shared as you think. Not saying you’re alone on this or anything, but maybe step back a little and consider that your statements could be considered a bit “broad” in this context.


Elves are cancer.


No one wanted Void Elves. They didn’t exist. Even back when the data-mining was happening before the Blizzcon announcing Allied Races, people were saying, “Wow, I hope Void Elves is a hidden name for High Elves because that sounds absolutely stupid, who would want that?”

At least the Void Elves are being an active part of the Alliance, but they’ve been poorly used so far. I’ve said this before, but there should’ve been Void Elves in Teldrassil while it was burning, trying to save as many Kaldorei as possible, with a line at the end that, “If it hadn’t been for Umbric and the Ren’dorei, I fear over 90% of our race would now be dead.” Great way for the Void Elves to prove themselves immediately, especially to the one race within the Alliance they should HAVE to prove themselves to the MOST.

Now we’ve had all kinds of Old God content in BFA, and the Void Elves do nothing with it. Uldir? Stormsong? Nazmir? No Void Elves doing anything about the threats within these zones. All we see them do is fight the Horde, which is nice, but completely misses the point we were sold, that these elves had Mastered the Void and would protect the world from the Void and other threats, using the Void.


If you want to play a dead elf, go roll a Death Knight. Otherwise stop trying to lower the bar on playable races with these inane ideas.

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I’m more upset with how poorly made the nightborne models are, they are clearly lacking the “blizzard polish.” And their racial armor was a big let down. All the other allied races are using reskinned existing models, while Zandalari and Kul Turian models are getting extended time for polish.

It sucks that they won’t go back and fix the Nightborne.


Maybe, granted, I wouldn’t consider Amadis a Nelf fan. But I see your point. Most of the people here are Horde players, who most like that they have Nightborne because… Nightborne are cool. I do not blame Horde players from defending it. However, I don’t think Horde players really understand how lame it is for Nelf players… And my sample size is more than just a couple Nelf posters on the Story forums… I do a lot of Nelf community events on Moon Guard, and know just about every major nelf Guild leader.

And that’s not me saying “I am super popular, look at me.” But rather just me saying that I have been around for a long time, and I know a lot of people on my server, and have developed friendships within my community to the point where I get quite a bit of insight on such things.

Granted, I didn’t conduct any surveys or anything, so my sample size is not only imperfect and perhaps bias, but its also not complete. So its possible that Nelf players do not agree with me in mass. I would be very surprised if that were the case, because the fact remains that every single WoW race (Save for Pandaren, Gnomes and Goblins, which maybe the next Allied race to be released) received an applicable subrace that is playable as part of their faction except Nelves and Belves.

Imagine the outrage from Tauren players if Highmountain went Alliance, because Baine said something that could be interpreted as mildly rude, and Mayla wanted to honor the friendship Huln had with Malfurion and Jarrod.

That’s basically how the Horde got Nightborne, Thalyssra herself said the Alliance was her first choice.

Ugh right? the belt does not even work with the outfit. Totally clips through it. And the chest, shoulders, and helm are the only really unique stuff.
I wish they just gave us the stuff they gave the island npcs.


The only real issue I have with Scumborne becoming playable is that Blizzard didn’t bother to give them a compelling reason to join the Horde (other than "Tyrande was mean to me that one time).

Because not only are they scumbags now but also incredibly petty.


Which is exactly the same as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. (Actually Phillip was even less than that. but that’s a long story)

Go tell the English that they are ruled by a matriarchy.

A matriarchy is where all or most of the primary rights of citizenship, leadership, and property are exclusively the perview of women. That has never been shown to be the case with Night Elves. While there are roles that are gender divided neither is shown to be subservient or less stature than the others. When the Night Elves were defending themselves in the War of Thorns, both men and women were on the battle line. When Jarod Shadowsong took leadership of the Night Elf military not one female took it aback. When Malfurion took the leadreship role in the defense of Nordrassil, no one upbraided him for it either.


Which is what we have in Kaldorei society. It is official lore that Night Elves are matriarchal, and I do not have the energy to debate it with you. Please stop derailing my thread with this nonsense.

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I see the crux of the argument is whether the Pre-Sundering Kaldorei Empire was Matriarchal, or something else.

That happened post Sundering. Pre Sundering, Males served in the military as well. Pre Sundering, Males had High positions.

Farondis was a Prince of his kingdom. Ravencrest held the highest military position. Xavius and Dathremar held high positions among the Highborn.

Just because the Kaldorei were led by a female at one point does not make them matriarchal as a political system. We know very little of the Kaldorei Empire before Azshara came to lead it.

I will grant you that post Sundering Night Elves are fairly called Matriarchal. But pre Sundering Night Elves seema less certain to me.