Frostwolf Horde Reconnections

Maurynna, Undead Priest. Started in Bored Horde, became Priest leader in Scary Pirates, then Priest leader in Addicts Anonymous.

Still play other things with Courtney, Ugghe, Shroll, Veris, Kavou, Grahl and several other old guildies. Some are planning to come back for Classic and are rolling on Whitemane.

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Dang, forgot to change the character before posting.

Hellspawn was streamer popular before streaming. I remember I PUG WITH HELLSPAWN. I did many a pugs with him.

Hey, Tom. Skooter was the mace rogue. He was infamous for a while for having Aurastone Hammer from MC. I knew it’d be another shaman that remembered. :laughing:

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Babyalalahe Here. Played a mage at the end of vanilla and late into TBC

In case anyone’s still checking this, the small SP/AA group is on Blameaux now.

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Vanilla toons - Epoq/Earthwyrm/Tomaloc

Vanilla guilds - Hostility/hostile and for an extremely short time Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Long time!! Not lookin to play classic but If any old hostility folks wanna reminisce hit me up! Currently the GM of Hubris on Malorne for folks looking to reconnect in retail. Take care!


Aw man, I actually named a guy on Blameaux before launch day.
But when I went to log in for the first time, it was a 2 hour wait, so I rerolled to Smolderweb.

If they open up more servers, and everyone shuffles around with x-fers, maybe we’ll meet again…

Copperhead un-lives again on the Smolderweb server. (undead rogue)
Seems good. Plenty of people, but haven’t had a queue yet.

Anyone from AA or Scary Pirates, hit me up!

Velar was my vanilla sham on frostwolf, pretty sure i played with scary pirates through MC. Still on frostwolf to this day lol

Playing Velar on Fairbanks

I used to play Drayze, Troll Rogue.

Raided with The Fallen primarily, did a few cross-guild MC’s with Rebourne.

Also ran in the HWL with Bonaar, Hellspawn, and a few others.

Great to see so many familiar names and guilds again!

Seems like everyone is rolling on Fairbanks, might roll a horde there, who’s recruiting? :slight_smile:

Ishkan sends his regards, been chattin w/ mammon too

Hey buddy im playing on Kirtonos Horde side, if your playing I got some RL buddies started with me got a 38 shaman so far

I remember that as well I went on a few pugs with him

I’m seeing a lot of names that are bringing me some serious memories lol. I have a 27 Troll Hunter on Blameaux same name. I was in AA/Rebourne/Get Lucky. I hung out with Courtney pretty much through out all of TBC.

Hey All!

I used to play as Idotu (BE warlock) and Boomibubbled (BE Holy Pally) in the guild Blind Lotus.

Here are a couple of names that I rememeber:

  • Lovelly (be pally)
  • Feugen (mage)
  • Buckethead (rogue)
  • Melone (Tauren Tank I think!)
  • Dreamshade (priest)

I am now playing as Sectork on Benediction!

Feel free to add me on bnet (aviau #1168), I’d love to connect with anyone from Blind Lotus!

this was my main at 60 I was always a strapping huge goblin. I never ate grass or warstomped

swampsong enhance shaman, ,


Old video