I am told that this guild name does not have the best reputation on this server. I was there, I remember the drama, it was my 1st RP experience on the ED. Yet I stayed with the clan & the server, Im an Orc that what we do. Then the guild changed name to the Ironworg or something, then they all server hopped to the WyrmA. I log in after shelving this toon for a long time to find that I am the GM of the clan, by who’s hand I have no idea. They/them all left, and took the drama with them, and hopefully made peace with it, “Aka’ magosh brothers.” I woke up with the Frostwolf banner in my hand & I refuse to let it fall. If there is any server left that can pull this off, its the ED. RP, PvP, PvE & much more, Starting low lev M+, dust off your Orcs & join the fun!
They changed to the Ironfang and shortly destroyed themselves after.
Im sure it was wonderful until Blizzard nerfed it.
F*cking vibing on frostwolf lore and aesthetic since I misclicked on their wiki page and rolled this toon for BFA.
Ya’ll recruiting or what?
even better. Im down. lets make the dream.
And if you are not in the Horde RP discord where a lot of events are planned and announced, the Frostwolf Clan already has a place… a quiet corner for now, but would love to see someone plant a Frostwolf banner in there!
For invite you can btag or find me on discord:
MrthePanda#1597 (bnet) or Winter#3381 (discord).
Would be delighted to see another Orc RP guild!
Thank you all for you positive feedback.,It is much appreciated! Everyone have a safe & happy independence day!
Zug zug
These posts reek of convoluted nonsense. Frostwolf Clan never died. They followed an RP campaign that led them to take up another name and they moved to WrA for better opportunities with RP. They to this day, remain WoW’s largest Orc only guild.
Treat the name well, friends. Aka’magosh.
Ahhh that name, brings back old memories. Fun times were they not?
“I log in after shelving this toon for a long time to find that I am the GM of the clan, by who’s hand I have no idea.”
Also a lie, since they named changed, if you were in their guild, you would have gotten the name “Ironfang Clan” not “Frostwolf Clan.” Someone else had it and it was requested by a GM to be taken from the person whom had it. IE: You requested to snag it from someone else.
who the frick cares