Frostwolf Alliance Reconnections

Hahaha nope, I remembered that wrong! Koda was the leader of DF up until BT. I don’t know wtf I was thinking.

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I rolled with STK from MC to Twin Emps!

I was Giley, a NE hunter who was probably super annoying on vent back in the day.

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Some of us saw the light and rolled horde! :stuck_out_tongue:

I was definitely keeping an eye out though, if it would have made a resurgence I probably would have hopped back to alliance-side just for that old crew.

Posting for a friend

Freyna - Female Human Paladin in RS (Riders of the Storm)

Healed in cloth durring raids. Looking for “the DM crew” We just ran Dire Maul West over and over again. I remember only pieces of everyone I played with. There was a Lock names Raz… something, we called him the “Milk man”. Tank/Hunter wife/husband combo named Amoris (human female war) and Toady (dwarf male hunter) There was a priest who worked at In and Out. I dont remember anything other than that. And my HDD just got wiped so I have none of the screenshots from old.

We used to raid with Sun, Our guild leaders were another husband wife combo Jubbjubb and NG/Mespa(she was forced to change her name).

I later got in with On Deck and raided with my galpal (fellow skimpy outfit Ironforge mailbox dancing pirest Istuko) Never did naxx.

Skilled players, great friends. Some of the most fun Ive had playing wow.

Hi Scherzo, it’s the guy from Barnes and Noble who crashed on your couch.


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The guy from Barnes and Noble who introduced me to WoW you mean :wink:

Last I remember there were kids and armed forces and probably not enough anime, how’s it going??

I’ll be casually playing on Whitemane with several from my guild, so if you play classic, stop by…or say hi on Whisperwind :sunny:

Kota replaced bluerobe who was the guild leader for DF up until BC

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Just taking a stab in the dark here. Anyone still active that was part of the Frostwolf guild East Coast Raiders? We weren’t actually around until TBC, but would be interested to know if there is anyone out there from the guild. I was Gildark (surprise), and I played a Balance Druid.

I hit lvl 60 in PE.

… and these forums are weird.

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This hits me right in the feels. Xane here, I was a human Warlock, brought in by my step brother Axel. I was a noob back then despite being in a top raiding guild, and I often regret that fact. When i learned about wow classic I see it as a chance for redemption :smiley:.

Haven’t talked to Axel in a few years. When he went “missing” the first time, he actually joined the Navy without telling anyone. But it did turn his life around. Last time we got together was probably 3-4 years ago, but he was doing really well, and I doubt he’s interested in this.

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Hey Lund, Xane here. Gonna play classic?

Yo, i remember you, our scarab lord. Man you were one of the most hardcore wow player i knew. Gonna play classic?

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You in touch with anyone else from EP? I was in there as well. Almightyjake paladin

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Still hanging around Frostwolf. Have some of the others pop in from time to time.

I know how to get in contact with Beej, Hizzle, Thror, Olson, Ktlux, Sydor, Baelinor, Gwiz, Faerilna, and probably others I forget the names of.

So, my character’s name, race, and class is exactly the same now as it was then. It’s Unami, she is a night elf, and a priest.

In vanilla, I never really got into a guild on Frostwolf. I asked about joining World Famous once, but was rejected. Had a friend in that guild named Uritel. I have no idea where that dude went. He was a male gnome warlock, I believe.

There are a handful of other names I remember. Links, Chiyochan (who I still see around), but mostly just curious about Uritel.

I remember most of those guys. You guys playing classic?

For sure bro. We’re going the PVE route this time tho- too old and cranky to deal with people ganking us ;p

Yes Camika, the original Aldrich, who came back as Realaldrich. Also Janemba! We all still hangout and are friends in real life :slight_smile:

We’re playing on Pagle this time around.