Frostmourne server down again

Character is stuck and cannot load character info when logging in. It happens everyday night recently. All people are like this on this server. Not only me. Can you fix it???

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Yes, experiencing this as well.

yep, me too

Same issue here, it doesnt list my chars on Frostmourne but connect normally into other servers

It’s only Frostmourne, nobody needs to worry about Frostmourne until they get back to work from their weekend break…

yeah thats what I get cept it shows chars on different server under Frostmourne

Character screen not loading for me as well.

I couldnt use any abilities, chat worked fine, couldnt even leave instance group… so i tried relogging… Now my character loading screen is just black…

This is also affecting the connected realm Jubei’thos. Everyone slowly DC’d and a black character screen for about 10mins.

can log in now but loading screen took a few minutes

Frostmourne realm not displaying at all for me

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