Frostmourne Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Frostmourne (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Looking for anyone from < Greed >, < WTB EPICS > or < Engineered Plague >



XLVII, Unknown Entity, Bloodlust, Bleed, UnificatioN, Tickle Me Emo etc

Hey, I was in too! I raided as a Warlock named Cruel.

I meant to say I was in < Greed > too!

Kimarhi (Resto Sham)

Unknown Entity and Tickle Me Emo

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Alias Orc Hunter in Flawless

Returning for classic, hit me up if we played together back in the day.

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I mostly raided as a Rogue called Rathpex

I remember a warrior called Krool!?

IGN - Valnazzar
Class - Dancing Bear (Tauren Druid)
Guild - Shidavare
Notable achievement - Yell like a madman when we first down Ragnaros, even though it was past midnight. Then we saw Eye dropped. Yelled again.

I have 4 of us from frostmourne “Deathwatch Guard” and “Avast” (last played BWL)


Anyone from Shidavere ?
or any Penang people around ?

thanks :wink:

Spitfire - Undead Mage. I don’t remember many guild names from Frostmourne unfortunately! If someone recognises me, please let me know which Guild we were in haha!

I was a PVPer mostly, made a few videos, I wish I still had them saved.

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Cremator/Brimstone/Mooniac/Thebulk - we rebooting Tickle Me Emo to raid classic for anyone interested.


I remember playing my mage with Spitfire, Cremator was my mage.

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XLVII - This tauren shammy

Alot of guilds I’d forgotten about being mentioned so far

Hello good sir


Hi Cremator & Gax, remember you both :grin:


Silverhunter - Troll hunter

Mostly pvped even got to rank of warlord … I remember a few people from those days… skykiss, aagun, justjuice, ssay etc… those were the days~~

Kim! You’re not in TME’s Facebook group, are you?

hello gax :scream:

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