Frostmane History and Census

Believe it or not, some of you folks have been playing this video game for almost 13 years now…and a very select few of you have been on the Frostmane server for almost 12 of those years. This realm launched on Feb, 2005, and there has been quite a lot of server history that has taken place between then and now.

With Classic around the corner this year… i was thinking now would be a good time to look back at old times and remember them fondly

What I want to do is try to ATTEMPT to piece together all of that information, some from WoWProgress/Guildox/archived WoWWiki data, and pool all of this data into one organized page so that people can see some sort of chronological timeline.

Wowwiki sadly in terms of our server doesn’t have all that much info other then what is already there on it and sadly i don’t have much information other then that people did before i decided to do this little project, the stuff on wowwiki/wow progress etc i don’t know how ACCURATE it is… so for the time being (until IF i even can verify it) i have no choice but to just ASSUME that it IS accurate

However, this is where I am going to need some help from some of the vets on Frostmane. I need vanilla/tbc/wrath/cata/mop data…lots of it. Wiki archives were a mess from vanilla. I have no progression data. I also need most PvP data, I have no idea who the vanilla grand marshal’s/high warlords were. I also did not keep up with any gladiators from the seasons past and there is no where that logs were kept regarding this information.

What I need from you:

Progression Data
Server first boss kills and dates
Rank 14 Grand Marshal’s/High Warlords Class and date which they got the rank
AQ Server Event data, who opened the gates first, who got the titles/mounts what guild were they in?

Burning Crusade:
T4 progression data
T4 Server first kills
Alliance/Horde Gladiators, class, and what season they got the title.

Wrath of the Lich King:
Server First Achievements/ Names/Classes
Server first boss kills and dates
Alliance/Horde Gladiators, class, and what season they got the title.

Server First Achievements Names/Classes
Server first boss kills and dates
Alliance/Horde Gladiators, class, and what season they got the title.
Alliance/Horde Grand Marshal’s/High Warlords class and season they got the title.

Mists of Pandaria:
Server First Achievements Names/Classes
Server first boss kills and dates
Alliance/Horde Gladiators, class, and what season they got the title.
Alliance/Horde Grand Marshal’s/High Warlords class and season they got the title.

This is where it gets tricky since after MOP Frostmane is a joined realm with Ner’zhul, and Tortheldrin, BUT since its a shared history and history none the less…i am going to include it but attempt to mainly focus on Frostmane if posssible

Warlords of Draenor
Server First Achievements Names/Classes
Server first boss kills and dates
Alliance/Horde Gladiators, class, and what season they got the title.
Alliance/Horde Grand Marshal’s/High Warlords class and season they got the title.

Server First Achievements Names/Classes
Server first boss kills and dates
Alliance/Horde Gladiators, class, and what season they got the title.
Alliance/Horde Grand Marshal’s/High Warlords class and season they got the title

Battle for Azeroth
Server First Achievements Names/Classes
Server first boss kills and dates
Alliance/Horde Gladiators, class, and what season they got the title.
Alliance/Horde Grand Marshal’s/High Warlords class and season they got the title

Additional Info:
Now obviously, there are many "?" marks throughout the wiki. I honestly was not able to find the data and have no way of finding the data. If you recognize a piece of information that belongs in place of a "?" mark, let me know here and I can add that data to the wiki. To add, if you see something on here that is incorrect, please let me know so I can do some research and change it. WoWProgress during Wotlk/BC was still in its infancy and there were many bugs regarding progression data.

Vanilla and each expansion has a dedicated "history" section for both alliance and horde, if you feel that something should belong in that area…something that happened on either side during the course of an expansion that is worth noting…(IE. a well known allience faction changing from Alliance to Horde at the start of Cataclysm etc) , then this is where that information would go.

Would be neat to have this completed before Frostmane turns 15 years old and I hope we can all share some good memories when people look at this page and see a guild from long ago and its progression…PvE or PvP.

Additionally, once the wiki is complete, I will export the data to WoWPedia. WoWWiki is obsolete compared to WoWPedia, however they share the same code and WoWWiki had archives dating back to vanilla on the server so I decided to start editing there.

if you wish to contribute to this little project, feel free to add to this thread, or contact me in game directly when i am online. IF you personally know any "retired" frostmane veterans in RL that are no longer playing pick their brain tell them about this project they might even have old screenshots on their computers with names, guilds and dates that would help with this)

thank you all for those who WISH to participate and help with this project


I know this topic is old, but I will try to get my old computer up and running and see all the screenshots I took of back in Vanilla. I know I have a bunch.


ThE DuSkWoOd MaNgLeR

Never forget

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OMG THE DuSkWoOd MaNgLeR?!?!?! I thought he died of cancer!


High Warlord Kalinaj, Undead rogue checking in.

Was in Force of Will, i think we got server first or horde first rag kill, can’t remember.

A while after force of will and disband merged into the super guild of Kinetic, to keep up the pve race against the guilds that xferred from frostwolf. (Militia, Hostile takeover)

Left kinetic because the rogue class leader got salty when i used a fish offhand all raid, in preparation for a core hound tooth drop, which did, and he then gave to a hunter because i wasn’t taking it seriously. (Mc was on farm btw lol)

Then joined the best guild ever, Milita. Got nefarian downed before they did, although i did not have the fish offhand equipped for that.

Got rank 14 before AQ and spent my days world pvping with Foraan, Trollce, Injury, Raged, Lillie, Gnomecrusher, Baddon, so many other legends.

Also spent a many hours locked in a stalemate against vicious cycle in warsong gulch. A true love/hate relationship.

And that’s enough of a diary entry, any of you old turds out there lurking?


I was atwood, undead mage. I remember vanilla with militia, kinetic, and everyone else. Vicious cycle and the crazy number of alliance to horde ratio.

I made Lillie water once, no bads LOL
Draeger Av rep grind hiding at the entrance
Lard on the mailbox

Thieve and me hung out.
We created the horde guild vicious tricycles, bahaha.

I always swam under water in arathi basin, during a vicious cycle farm team, and ninja capped the stables on an afk skythey to slow there farm rate HAHAHA

I had a wand battle with taunie in orgimmar and she killed me with just her wand lol. Her wand was better.

So many memories


People used to touch my yeti for prizes.

I hope to do it again in Classic, but on the Horde side, so I can play a proper shaman. =)

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Oh yeah, I also miss Tatortott.


I laughed every time I saw them post.


-Amygrant and his gifting of spectral tiger cards to the ladies
-Gladiator Clabont
-Overpower (Viva Mexico)


Thieve ninjad our hearts

Righttackle stole all my silver

Some mage named Fuzy would troll his own mama

Some shaman with a big orange hammer

Cyclonian made us all mad

Xylan taught us to party like a warlock

Salah clicked

Flamingtable clicked

My dad wintraded with VC

Jolty is a manho penguins fan

Amygrant spits on you

Rectangle and i were both forced to heal in SWTOR

Ironboxy is my dad


Duskwood mangler hit up skades mama AND gf

/tar Tundo /cast seed of corruption (stormwind gets sacked)

Obsidium gave my DBW to a boomkin cause i was an annoying idiot

Spammer for warchief 2012

The ice stone is melting

Takada down

Annihilate was an axe warrior

GM Clabont

Horde kills Kazzak at tbc prelaunch event. Kazzak puts Ironforge on farm

Prayedcobra, the world’s greatest

Trading other alliance food and water while amygrant and 100 other horde pounce on them at queldanis

Losing my first frapsed duel to servenus and a guard

Why was the wintergrasp raid disbanded?

Why was the onyxia pug disbanded?

Fixeh and Putto represent

War Front or Dragonfiight

RIP Yert

Frostmane Facebook, still popping with a post every other month

More to follow as brain remembers


UnDeRnEaTh YoUr LiTtLe AlLiaNcE BeDs,
THe MaNgLer StAlKeD BeNeAtH WiVe’S HeAdS,
As ThE YeArS WeNt By, YoU FoRgOt HiS WrAtH,
ViGoR Of TeN GuYs WhEn He CrosSeD ThEiR PaTh,

ThY RoD aNd ThY StAfF ShAlL CoMfOrt Me,
ThE wIfEy’S PrAy EvEr sO HOpEfuLly,
FoR A MaNgLeR’s ViSiT AfTeR AlL ThEsE YeArS,
PuTs tO BeD THeIr YeArNfuL TeArS

wHiLe YoU’rE OfF iN tHe MoUnTaInS MiNiNg,
tHe MaNgLeR’s In YoUr MaStEr ChAmBeRs GrInDinG,
FoRgInG JEwElS fRoM HiS PrEcIoUs MaGic StoNeS,
LeAviNg TrAiLs oF hIs EnDLeSs BoNeS.

TeN LoNg YeArs, SiNcE ThE MaNgLeR PoPpeD iN,
FoRgOtTen Legend, hAd TuRnEd BaCk To HiS GiN,
a DeCaDe oF SiLenCe, ReSurRecTed oN FrOsTmAnE,
WhErE iT AlL Started, yEt SoMe FoRgOtTeN HiS NaMe

YeArS oF PeAcE CaLl fOR a LeGeNdaRy ReMiNdEr,
Of PrOtEcTiOn BeStOwEd wHeN fOrGiNg BeHiNdeR
ShE’s TeMpTeD to eXpLoRe wHaT ThE LeGeNd GiVeS,
. . . ThE DuSkWoOd MaNgLer FoReVeR LiVeS!

… YoU RaNg?!


I’m a little upset I didn’t get a mention Kal


I forgot to add KNOWS GLADIATOR HUGABLE guild to the list

ok its been awhile since i have checked this topic but fill me in who or what is the duskwood mangler?

This post has been stagnant for awhile but a lot of old frostmane people are playing classic on whitemane. Including: hektor, thieve, annihilate, rectangle, Daeo and more.

I was a male night elf rogue named ‘Gankomizer’. I was in a guild led by a male gnome tank. We did an MC raid soon after transfers flooded in with another guild led by a human male warrior. There was a dispute over loot after killing the first boss.

I remember a male undead mage named Zok i think. Pvper.

This was back when the server opened so memory may be a little faded.

We once raided thunderbluff and tried to kill Cairne, it was epic. Must’ve been April 05?

The Tauren Mill battles were epic before bgs came out.