Frostfire frost Frostfire bolt bug

Can’t get access to frostfire bolt on frost. Doesn’t show up in spell book when talented, can’t drag it from talent page (drags Fireball instead), and can’t macro it (seems like it is trying to cast Fireball). Pls fix so we can test Frostfire frost mage


Came here to post exactly this, commenting to push issue upwards.

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This isn’t the right place to post this. Should go in the Beta forum or better yet a bug report not on the forums but via the in-game interface on the PTR. Also this particular problem has been an ongoing issue since the Alpha and chances are they’re aware of it but incapable of fixing it.

“Dont post it here post it on the beta forums”

“Yeah this has been ongoing since Alpha”

Maybe posting it outside of the Beta forums isnt such a bad idea?