Frostfire bolt spell class

this should be its own class of spell just like how ebonbolt was in legion




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It’s crazy how it will lock you out of frost AND fire spells if interrupted


Well… they don’t call it FrostFire just because.

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Man really just wants to play an elemental mage.

also did they never make more hybrid spells for mages like arcane-fire or arcane-frost ?

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for real its a death sentence with short CD kicks comps

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No only Frost Fire

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It’s especially awful on fire mage where you’re super squishy. Not even being able to peel for yourself is criminal.


Right! The mage is a pure ranged dps class with little to no survivability. Now all of a sudden it’s just a ranged class with no survivability. They pulled a subway and took out all the DPS from the order. Yet the price is still the same.

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ebonbolt was shadow + frost. It was not its own class of spell. It followed the same logic as frostfire.

Are you talking pvp?

Unless pve mobs started kicking, yes

You mean elemental shaman?

Yeah. There are quite a few of these:

Physical Arcane Fire Frost Holy Nature
Arcane Spellstrike -
Fire Flamestrike Spellfire -
Frost Froststrike Spellfrost Frostfire -
Holy Holystrike Divine Radiant Holyfrost -
Nature Stormstrike Astral Volcanic Froststorm Holystorm -
Shadow Shadowstrike Spellshadow Shadowflame Shadowfrost Twilight Plague

And Chaos which is a mixture of all non-physical damage types.


no, just a mage that focuses on the fire and frost spells.

was never a great build when you could spec into multiple trees but having decent use of both frost and fire spells was fun back in the day.

No it wasnt, however now it is. If you dont know what your talking about dont tell lies lol

Yea. It’s like blizz is the kinda kid that doesn’t want their food touching on the plate and will toss it all out if it does.

Frostfire hero tree is a cruel joke. It’s like they ran with the idea of bringing back frostfire bolt but dropped the ball cause again they don’t want their fire and frost touching on the plate and with the changes to the loss of living bomb on frost to be replaced with a frostfire tiny splash. Such a useless talent now.

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Living bomb going off as Frostfire was such a VIBE. It looked so cool and thematic.

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Soon frostfire with be the la croix of hero specs.

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Ebonbolt has always been shadow-frost. ALWAYS. Literally says it in the spell description since Legion.

“Deals (321.75% of Spell power) Shadowfrost damage and causes Brain Freeze.”

But… sure… buddy… sure…

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