You can always rebuy the AV wand lol…
Please elaborate?
I know about viscidus, it’s not going to make much of a difference getting the gnomer wand… All locks will have a frost wand, melee with frost oil or frost enchant. Mages with Rank 1 frost bolt with a 1 sec cast speed
There’s gonna be enough frost damage to push him to split
Wand is 1.4
Want what exactly? Banshee Finger? To prepare for Naxx… warlocks already suffer from lack of bag space even if with a 24 shard bag (I carry two of these for raid)… practically a taxi cab and health stone dispenser
Then you gotta have room for resist gear / hit gear / pvp gear / raid consumables etc etc
Yeah you could use an alt bank to store some items, but banks are full of boe gear for potential selling, mooncloth, arcanite crystals, lotus / herbs / grenades and sappers… You get the point
Couple is full with the aq war effort for turn ins etc
Fixed that to make it a friendly suggestion.
You’re welcome.
Sapphiron is no joke, you need 150+ Frost Resist unbuffed and will be a big guild check compared to previous content, AQ40 will still challenge most guilds. I remember doing it vanilla, it’s better to be prepared now than later.
The more frost resist, easier on the healer’s honestly. Things will get better as guilds can craft with the Frozen Ruins
I’m not jumping through hoops to get a 0.1 speed increase wand, I’ll just spam rank 1 frostbolt.
We’ll see.
0.2 increase over rank 1 Frostbolt.
But I wouldn’t expect a Human Mage to min/max, so whatever.
Yeah what would I do if I had 9k mana instead of 7k mana? Oh yeah, still not run out of mana during fights.
This min-max mentality is cancer lmao.
Yeah if I didn’t have that extra 0.25% chance to crit, I would never be able to clear content.
You’re upset at someone that isn’t min-maxxing. Why are you not happy? Who hurt you? I actually want to see the loot I equip, sorry gnomes.
“Ackstually the difference is 0.2, not 0.1 so this is why you’re wrong and I wouldn’t expect blablabla”
Like, get over yourself lmao.
Way to admit you liked your own post.
And just keep admitting to the abuse.
Here’s the BIG kicker though – you only know my alts. You don’t know who my main is. I will continue to post on my main with free reign and you won’t know who to report – but your main? good luck.
I’m only reporting the posts that actually violate the code of conduct, bud. I’m not going to falsely report posts your main makes.
I don’t hide behind my alts and troll. My posts will be restored, and yours won’t. I’ll allow you some time to reflect upon the difference.
Oh look. It begins:
12:49 PM 6/28/2020
There’s a 1.5 frost from a desolace quest. I believe that’s the one I used when my warlock did AQ 40. If you already vendored the one from dustwallow; this is probably what you’ll be using.
[This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until July 2nd.]
speed is 1.9. if you need it for vicidious, get the gnomer wand. speed 1.4.