Frost > unholy

Arthas was not a frost death knight. He didnt know anything about frost magic until being stuck up on a glacial continent for several years. Arthas was an unholy death knight first. Even his raid fight, he uses more shadow and necromantic abilities than he does use frost ones. Just because the sword is called Frostmourne and he uses remorseless winter doesnt mean he is a frost dk.


Arthas was a paladin. You know, golden sparkles and healing.


And just because he uses some Unholy abilities doesn’t mean he’s an Unholy DK. Which voids:

He wasn’t the Lich King at all until he did the 5-year symbiotic process in ice.


Hes a frosty boi. Without a doubt


I had that phase for a bit. Frost Is simple and can be enjoyed simply. But unholy is a huge class, with flavor to spare. It makes a more interesting character.


Frost is so satisfying in combat. I am now level 77. I do switch to unholy for bg’s though as it is just so much better for me right now. I anticipate at 120 I will attempt to pve as frost and pvp as unholy.

I have been searching for a class i enjoy as much as shaman for years and never gave dk a chance but im in love. IM IN LOVE.


The only people who play frost are the people who can’t play unholy. :rofl: :rofl: :joy:
Ask any Unholy DK they will tell you they started out as frost but went over to unholy for the pure burst output and RP, I actually enjoy all specs even frost but generally frost has a much more simple rotation than unholy and doesn’t feel as fulfilling once you have figured out unholy.


Friends, friends. Unholy, Frost, or Blood… we’re all in this together. Suffer well!


I’v tried to go back to frost a few times, but in pvp/bgs/open world stuff, it just doesn’t feel near as strong. I mostly do 2s and unholy just feels amazing, frost has had more downtime for me, even though I love chill streak. Been unholy for years, just can’t bring myself to swap for more than a few days.

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I figured as much :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

I like both and gear/spec them how I like playing.

FDK is Ice cap with frostwhelps/Icy citadel. (I modify this for mythic+ and rated pvp)

UHDK is CS/Gargoyle with Cankerous wounds/Festering might traits. (Use standard build for rated pvp with necrotic strike.)

BFA would actually be pretty nice if you didn’t have to grind out traits every patch… also grind out essences… and now grind out cloak. Especially if they did more tuning passes because I like hitting hard with my UH 2h with cankerous wounds.

Anyway, happy you like FDK. DKs are awesome. (As awesome as they can be in BFA =P)

I actually seem to really dislike unholy, every time I try it out I am disappointed. Given how much everyone seems to think it is so good, I thought there must be something I am missing.

It feels like there is never any damage going out, and I never know where the damage is coming from. Necrotic strike feels bad to press because their hp does not move. A bunch of damage coming from pet CD’s feels lame because I would rather be doing the damage.

The only thing going for it IMO is the 2H xmog.

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My DK is unholy, I went with that because it felt like I had more survivability solo (at least in legion) and it wasn’t as slow as blood.
I agree about the fun factor with frost though. I think frost fits the Arthas theme of DK’s and it goes with the eyes. I just seemed to die more as frost. I have a KT DK I think I’ll roll as frost to check it out.

Frost is very tanky in my experience. Both PvP and PVE

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Frost seems to be in a decent spot in pve right now but unholy still is better for mithyc+ and pvp. If you like to bore people to death while spamming deathstrikes go frost, if you like to DO damage go unholy.

People cant read lol. Hes saying frost is more fun not better. Class heroes always gotta give their 2 cent.

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The glowy button spec will never be more fun than a spec that requires more than 5 braincells. Fight me.
Also, you’re basing your fun on dunking undertuned leveling mobs, my dude. That feels fun on every spec.

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I will never understand why mental midgets argue over what someone else finds as fun…


Plays AFK DoT/Pet spec

I like the enthusiasm but play both till 120 first hun

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