Frost & Unholy Shadowlands PVP Guides!

Did you do the Kyrian aiding Maldraxxus line yet?

Trying to see if I did but it doesn’t show up in the kyrian progress log. I just did a series of quests in maldraxxus though.

Did not know about that Dome of the Ancients AMZ bug, yikes.

Also, rune of sanguination is bugged out and still has the debuff on you if you win an arena. Still have the debuff in the next one, cost me a 2s match :frowning:

Thanks a lot for the informative guides! :slight_smile: I have a small question considering frost, i am not sure if i just missed it but do you always use 2h over the 2 1hs in pvp? Or are there times when you run 2 1hs instead? Cheers :smiley:

Nice defensive build. Not sure why you don’t like the Dead of Winter talent when you praise the Absolute Zero legendary. Opening with Grip, Asphyxiate, Remorseless Winter can be very potent with Dead of Winter since it takes about 4 seconds to get off 5 ticks of damage for Remorseless Winter. Add in the legendary and Frost is as “bad” as rogues for CCs.

yep a few bugs not sure if they are intended to be that way prob not