Frost spec 8.2 fix

Switch Frostwyrm’s Fury (90) with Breath of Sindragosa (100) and add 30-60 seconds to the BoS cooldown. rotation/dps problem solved… DO EET NAOW because any other minor killing machine tweaks you probably have planned for us simply won’t do anything.


I dont think BoS needs anymore down time lol.


Frost just needs obliterate to do frost damage or for mastery to do something with obliterate, ignore armor, percentage hp damage, or just increased damage.


I know Hazzed isn’t the best at DK by any stretch of the imagination, but he has a new video out now about 8.2 FDK, of which one he made for BoS spec and the other he made for Obliterate spec… Both of them are pretty nutty if it goes live the way it is on PTR atm… It could potentially be on par with UHDK…

Frost will never be as good as unholy, nor has it ever been.

Frost will never be fixed until we can wield two-handed rune weapons again. Its more than damage numbers its how you feel when playing a class/spec.


Or wield any weapon we want and be viable


Not sure of serious.


Unholy has always been better in overall damage, and has always been leagues ahead in class fantasy than frost

Except last raid tier where frost was crushing the parses across all classes on several fights. Sooo… still not sure of you’re serious.

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Are you referring to legion or BFA? Because most of the DK threads since BFA started have been begging for frost buffs. Frost may have been better at cleave in Legion, but UH was still much better at single target

Literally last raid tier bro.

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So Uldir? Yeah, frost sucked then

you’re so full of beans its not even funny…


It is extremely inaccurate to say that either spec has ‘always’ been better than the other. That statement doesn’t even hold up through the duration of Wrath. Both have had their spotlight moments over the years, but to even get just this last tier so wrong… Frost was a very desired spec, and Unholy was not.

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As one who is Oblit spec…I have no issues killing and being on par with Unholy. People seem to think BoS is the only way to go for Frost. Let you in on s little secret…it isn’t.

that 100% depends on if you’re doing raid or m+ and if it’s ST or AoE.

This might be the dumbest statement ever spouted in our DK forums.


Frost was desired because of its tankiness during wrath, not its damage. All three specs were tanks, but frost and blood in particular were almost unkillable. Unholy however focused more on magic damage and diseases, which, resistances were becoming less and less important by this point so bosses had more armor to compensate. Even in pvp where resistance gear wasnt used nearly as much or didnt mean nearly as much, unholy was extremely strong, it just wasnt as tanky.

But my main reason for saying that Unholy has always been better than frost is because frost is just an ice mage warrior while Unholy is the pure definition of Death Knight, holding class fantasy at its highest. Especially once Legion rolled around and gave players another method of using Army.

I just want Obliteration buffed in some way cause I hate hate hate the rotation BoS requires and I refuse to use it. Icecap should also either be replaced or redesigned to be something more interesting than an RNG based cooldown reduction.