Frost S4 PvP buff FS and DS

How does FDK not be bottom of the barrel for another patch?

Froststrike getting a 35-60% buff (still very weak, Runic power spent, vs how high HP will be, and how much better DS will be to use negates froststrikes usefullness)

Deathstrike gets unnerfed, Still extremely weak, Frost as a spec is already squishier than unholy, and its healing should be stronger to compensate for the lack of a mortalstrike that acts as a self heal

2 very simple, easy ways to make frost not as trash tier. Not complicated changes.

Considering most classes float at around 950k-1100k HP should tell you that froststrike doing only about 60-80k average is quite low considering the cost of using it defensively. Theres no choice between choosing to press deathstrike or froststrike, You just hit deathstrike because froststrike is so undertuned its not even worth

Buffing froststrike very considerably, and unnerfing deathstrike from the S1 changes simply gives a real choice on how you spend runic power. Lose a lot of damage for healing, or lose a lot of healing for damage

Both runic power spenders just feel very unimpactful, froststrike hardly ever moves a healthbar, and deathstrike feels like a absolute struggle to move your healthbar up, Every class has a healing reduction now, Many have disarms which serve to counter deathstrikes 5 second window, And dampening starts at a pretty high value in arena brackets. Pair those all together and DS heals for nothing at all, again, runic spenders are so bad

Oh and while we’re at it, Can we change deathcoil to be shadowfrost on FDK? or at least give lichborne a self healing modifier for self deathcoils to be stronger? Lichborne healing got outscaled really hard