I live in Canada. In the pot shops up here the $5 apps that are used for the menu selection have these amazing things called ‘sub filters’ for selecting choice from a generalized category of products. You may wonder where I am going with this, we’re about to get there.

In the Loot filter by spec drop down that comes up in our character pane currently we have 3 choices: Blood, Frost, Unholy. My suggestion is adding in two sub filters for Frost, 2h or DW.

I’ve seen people make the suggestion that Frost only be able to loot 1h strength weps, I think that would be fine too for the most part, but the suggestion I have adds a finished polish to the class which this company used to be known for.

This isn’t something that should be an issue. A first year software programmer could probably do it. Meanwhile, 4 years after 2h comes back the issue of looting weps is still unresolved and messy.

Fix it.