Frost PvP talent idea: Ice Age

Not sure if this is a good idea but could be fun. It can be used both defensively and offensively to get players out, which is usually considered bad game design, so it seems like something blizz would add in rofl. This talent is completely F’d up and an over powered meme obviously. Sounds delicious though.

A deep freeze moves slowly in towards you from 40 yards out. Dealing up to 70% HP as it passes your target. The Ice Age does more damage the closer the player is to you. Those on the outside of the freeze or leap/shimmer/lifegripped etc take 0%. Those who cross the freeze take damage proportional to their range from you. 20 yards = 50% of the 70%. 0-5 yards = 100% of the 70% 30 yards = 25% damage of 70%. 5-10 yards = 75% of the 70%. You engineer the tool tip.

Similar to halo, but it would be moving slower, icy and only inwards towards yourself.

I was thinking it would move quite slow - maybe 5 seconds for the outer edge to reach you. If it has a cast time, it would have to be short(.5 to 1.2 seconds) and unpredictable like the Day After Tomorrow’s Ice Age. Otherwise can be an instant cast.

Temporarily slows enemies by 80% for 1 second for those whose feet touch it. Can jump over if you are not slowed or a druid leap.

Not that mages need something like this rofl! But sounds utterly fun! Especially to make players tremor as frostbolt build. They would run away scared, which rarely happens as frostbolt build lol. Then be slowed when they crossed, being rained on by frostbolt. LOL.

It could be melees worse nightmare if it’s time to move in is not the proper duration, it would require tuning, because it allows free casting of glacial+frostbolt on them when they are running away cuz you can’t kick while running away unless you are a dk or rogue shadow step. It would also not break polymorph! Could make it freeze the Polymorph for 3 seconds like freezing band does, but only polymorphs, no DB or feared targets. Targets who are already feared or loss of control(polymorphed), should take no damage. It would have to 100% make the poly blue colored like vanilla polymorphs do when you frostbolt and then sheep them while they still have the cone of cold/frostbolt slow. Not sure why this animation is no longer in the game for frostbolted mobs. I miss seeing my blue slowed sheeps.

Fire could have one, that is also a reality for us humans too - World Fire, Forest Fire, Human stupidity or w.e you figure the name to be. Lol. It’s much more likely we burn ourselves up, than experience an Ice Age in the next 1000 years. So maybe this as a fire talent is more appropriate, could be a political stance from blizzard to spread awareness of climate change?

This would be good in 3s too, because it would allow mages to cast some frostbolts, where otherwise casting in 3s is next to impossible.

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