Frost mage talents

I think [cold front] and [coldest snap] both need rework or need to be placed at a different tier. They don’t feel like top-tier talents.

Looking at them just personally I wasn’t impressed and didn’t feel they were worth taking or even worth their pre-req’s in the tree.

Then I started looking at a bunch of different online frost mage guides and videos and I couldn’t find a single one that recommended either one of them or had them spec’d…

Seems like they are both kind of a flop right now. Is this the general sentiment among most/all frost mages?


Coldest Snap is taken for AoE builds, and is amazing. The issue is that it has to hit 3 targets, so is never taken for virtually any raid boss. But yes, Cold Front is pretty useless, made worse by the talent before it that no one wants. With Frostbolt only being 20-25% of your casts, it feels like a talent that was put there in an older time where Frostbolt might have been 50-60%.

The Frost talent trees still need work, despite being so much better than they were. There’s so many talents that are just not taken. They tried so hard with Snowstorm, but failed on all accounts. Short buff duration, poorly tuned, in a bad spot on the tree, and competes with the AoE capstone… gg.

It just comes down to the illusion of choice that these trees are. Having 40 talent options isn’t useful when only 2-3 of them are actually choices. The rest could just be baked into the spec. As bad as the “cata” tree was, it was still better than this. With a little tuning and some talent shuffling, they could have been great. But nope, someone had it in their head that the 2% of players who care about levelling had to get that “ding” point every 20 minutes.