Frost Mage Rune Bugs

this argument is in such bad faith. the whole purpose of SoD was to make specs viable. That’s why all hybrids specs are somewhat viable, its why we have melee hunters, rogue tanks, etc. The fact that frost mages have been the worst performing DPS spec for the entirety of SoD and now the worst spec period (TANKS, DPS, and some Healers) is absurd.

By your arguement all hybrids should just shut up and heal like in vanilla WoW.

Frost mages have a reasonable argument because the entire spec lacks identity.


I HATE when this happens. Seems FoF procs before even making contact with the target. This issue is exacerbated by the distance between myself and the target. It makes using Weakauras mandatory when running a frost build and wanting to take advantage of Ice Lance, or it requires you to pause frost bolt casts, which also feels bad.

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You’re misconstruing “viable” with “overpowered”. Frost Mage has never not been a viable spec through MC/BWL. It still is. You’re just not #1, so you’re mad about it.

Bad faith is insisting that despite 66% of the class performing quite literally the best in the entire game that 33% of the class isn’t - and therefor needs to be buffed so that the only classes able to compete against Mage is Mage.

Bad faith is ignoring all of the insane power budgeting in the mage toolkit, and that fire is definitively the highest DPS spec in game both now and at end-game-full-bis-60 but whining that Frost isn’t - despite it being a more utility focused spec.

Bad faith is being unhappy at being #1, and #2 global because you aren’t also #3 global as your PvP spec that brings PvP based skills to the table.

“Viability” does not mean “Dominance”.

What are you rambling about? We are PHASES away from MC/BWL? People will go Arcane if Frost isn’t fixed in MC/BWL. Fire Mage is doing well in the top 2 depending on average, median, or top 1%. Arcane DPS is middle of the pack, which is fine, it’s fun! Frost is below tanks and healers as the only DPS in the game below tanks and healers, this is bad. See the entire thread. I know you struggle to use Warcraft Logs but really try and I think you might be able to figure it out.

I know you are a compulsive liar based on all of your statements but please try and dial it back if you can. Fire is at the top. Arcane is middle of the pack in heals and DPS. There is no lower DPS in the game than Frost. The thread is about Frost. Stop trying to strawman and derail the thread with your non-logic.

You have no idea what you are talking about as usual. No one knows who will be the top DPS at 60. No one knows the raid encounters because they haven’t been released yet. Again this is completely about Frost and you can’t help but talk about how players should just never play that spec and play Fire instead. Please at least try to comprehend the words you read. We just want Frost to not be the ONLY DPS under Tanks and Healers, a totally reasonable and sound adjustment.

You consistently put words in everyones mouth. You lie constantly. Fire is in the top two. Arcane is middle of the pack. Frost is under Tanks and DPS as the worst DPS in the game with bugged and underwhelming runes. I’ll keep repeating it because I know you need to read things many many many times before they sink in but this entire thread is about Frost.

Please leave my thread and stop de-railing the conversation. Do not reply to me. Just leave.

no facts just feelings…

here are some facts for you

  1. as it stands frost could get a 40% damage buff and still be in dead last on the dps meters.

  2. frost is being outperformed by TANKS and HEALERS.

  3. Frost has been on the bottom of the charts for 2 consecutive phases

try to stay on topic, this thread is about frost mages. It’s not about fire, it’s not about arcane, it’s about frost ,and why the spec is utter garbage in SoD not vanilla, not classic, but SoD.

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Interesting… Will we be able to swap out Frostbolt with Frostfire bolt and bring Frost to the middle of the pack for DPS?

I Saw the good news brother!

Sad there is no FoF bug fix but this is great news, Frostfire bolt is going to be amazing… I think.

This is a massive damage increase and scaling increase should now be hitting A LOT harder. Will be a buff in PvP as well. Spellfrost can also heal you in PvP so that will be cool to see.

Just need FoF to be fixed and Ice Lance coefficient to go to .25 from .15 and we are perfect

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Silly question, but working on my frost build now…

Does FoF proc on bosses? They are immune to chill right? I haven’t run frost in a dungeon in quite some time.

Trying to figure out if it’s worth it to have FoF or Burnout for the increased crit.

Lol no. Still dead last.

Yeah, just like we said, small buff that won’t help the problem. Ice lance is undertuned and pulls down FoF.

Keeping Spell Power and Burnout as the runes, and going up into Fire for Ignite, and then into Frost for Ice Shards and Piercing Ice… We could see Frostfire Spam outperform fire.

I don’t think so just because of the insanely good Fire Talents further down the tree like flat damage % increase and crit. I do think Frost Mages using your build will do WAY WAY more damage than they are now. I think at 50 it’ll really start to pick up with more of the talents but only time will tell.

I think we may pass MM as Frost mage now.

FoF will proc against raid bosses and this is one of the only cases that you’d take them instead of Frostbite since they override each other and Frostbite doesnt proc on raid bosses.

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Sure, let’s stay factually based.

Mage is a class in World of Warcraft - Classic - Season of Discovery. Frost Mage does not exist as a selectable class. Mage is a class.

As it stands now Mage is the top 2 damage dealing options in the entire game, one of which is a healing spec.

Frost is a specialization. You choose to play Frost. You could choose to play Fire, or you could choose to leave your specialization points unspent entirely - you would still be a Mage

As it stands now, and historically - for the entire duration of Classic WoW - Frost is the PvP spec of the class. To make it overpowered would destroy all balance in PvP at all times.

Are you willing to sacrifice the overwhelming performance of the other two specialization lines for Frost to be brought up to a medium tier? Probably not. You’re a retail player who views each spec as an individual class - and that is not what classic era is. Balance is done based around the class as a whole.

Mage has multiple specialization lines performing above literally every other class in the entire game.

Regardless of your frantic desperation to try and disassociate class to specialization - the reality is that classes exist, specializations are choices within that class. You cannot separate the two, regardless of how hard you are trying.

The sooner you come to terms with class balance being done by classes - not by specialization - the quicker you can start progressing your understanding of metagame balance as a whole.

Heyyyyyy this is awkward but we’re gonna have to ask you to leave. This is kinda a frost mages club and there have been some complaints.


Thats not what the sims say. :confused: Looks like hot streak is still better sadly.


You’ve been asked to leave by multiple members of the SoD Mage delegation. You are incapable of intelligent conversation or grasping simple concepts such as Specs are balanced individually. You continually lie. Respectfully, leave the thread and never return.

Lowest Regards,

Sgtpepper, Chief FoF Bug Inspector

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This is your third write-up, and the mage thread handbook clearly states “Three strikes you’re out, bro”. That being said, we are going to have to let you go. You also lose your rights to any and all previous benefits, vacation time and or 401k matching. We wish you well at your next thread.

You can’t stay on topic, can you? How about addressing what I wrote instead.

“As it stands now, and historically - for the entire duration of Classic WoW - Frost is the PvP spec of the class.”

Wrong. Frost was " A " pvp spec, in fact it was one of a few in vanilla WoW. There was also PoM Pyro and Elementalist. There are PvP talents in every skill tree because all specs had the ability to make PvP builds. Frost got pigeonheld to being the PvP spec from TBC onwards because of how the tree scales with available itemization.

“To make it overpowered would destroy all balance in PvP at all times.”

Hyperbole much? A balance to what? Dueling?

To this point, have you been playing SoD at all? What PvP balance are you talking about?

“It’s also difficult to take serious when Fire mage is parsing the highest in the entire game across the current raid content on a consistent basis”

Such a lame excuse, would have this argument been more legitimate in phase 1 when mages were dead center of the meters? Because we were still complaining that the spec was broken then.

“Are you willing to sacrifice the overwhelming performance of the other two specialization lines for Frost to be brought up to a medium tier? Probably not.”

Yes, I am. I would most certainly give up top dps as fire, so frost could have relevancy in PvE. My guild doesn’t need me topping the charts to go 6/6 on gnomer. Nobody has to sweat that hard to beat these raids.

"Regardless of your frantic desperation to try and disassociate class to specialization - the reality is that classes exist, specializations are choices within that class. You cannot separate the two, regardless of how hard you are trying.

The sooner you come to terms with class balance being done by classes - not by specialization - the quicker you can start progressing your understanding of metagame balance as a whole."

Except class balance ISN’T being done by class AND IS being done by specialization. As evidence of melee hunters (top of the DPS meters) getting nerfed and ranged hunters being buff. That’s whole point of SoD, they want EVERYONE to viable. That’s why classes have runes relevant to EACH specialization, to enable builds for EACH specilization. The sooner you come to terms with this you’ll understand Blizzard motives for buffing frost mages.


You don’t get to make those dictations. Your constant insults, and lack of factual data are disgusting.

This has been confirmed via The Arcane Tower (mage discord, 25k+ members) to not be bugged, and does not exclusively proc at the same time.

Thanks for playing.

If it is not 100% exclusive, it is 95+% exclusive. And I argue that 5% is due to other factors like resists heartbeats etc.

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