Frost mage new lucid dream bug in 1/23

Adding my voice to this, as I had it happen on my frost mage alt while doing the Love is in the Air boss event .

i think they think they “fixed” it

I just tested it out on my mage and it’s working just fine as a minor with glacial spike.

Try removing it as a minor, put something else in the slot, then put lucid back in. It might just need to be “unequipped” first and then “reequipped” before it will work correctly.

equip it as a minor and cast slow fall on yourself and you will see that it isnt working correctly. you get the icicles and no icicle Buff.

I’m not on my mage right now, but I will test it out when I can in a bit. Maybe the game won’t let you build up stacks with non-damaging abilities to prevent exploiting. Which makes perfect sense. Prime example: Rogues with the detection ability. People were using it to stack echoing void. They just hotfixed that out the other day.

EDIT: Just tested this out and yes, it confirms my suspicion. The procs that happen from non-damaging abilities will produce the shard, but won’t give you the buff. Sounds like they fixed the problem, for normal use, but half-way implemented the fix they gave to rogues with EV, to prevent abuse in spamming an instant GCD non-damaging ability to proc a DPS gain.

it does it with frost bolt too.

I’ve yet to have it happen with frost bolt since they fixed it. I tested it for quite a while earlier and didn’t have any problems.

could be flurry or gs causing the fake icicles also . if it was only slow fall no one would have a problem .

Its by any spell, I have posted in a few threads with multi screenshots, I got it proc from ice barrer, fb GS flurry etc. even using IV or TW.

2/25 This still is an issue. Lucid Dreams Minor Icicles do not add to the counter 100% of the time for Glacial Spike.

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Just went to the training target to see if the bug was still there and sure enough it was, after doing my rotation for only 11 sec I had a fake icicle. Blizz please fix this, it is our best minor.


I don’t think they even look at the forums. no Blue reply on any of these posts. it is our best minor and we are lacking that extra dps that we actually NEED to be competitive seeing as the other specs are so far ahead.