Hi everyone, I’m a 415 frost mage on the horde side on area-52 looking for a guild doing raiding between 1am-5am est. I’m willing to transfer servers & willing to switch to alliance. I’m currently 9/9h bod and 2/2n cos.
Nocturnal> Is a late HORDE night guild that has been raiding since Ulduar, is currently recruiting experienced and perspective raiders to help rebuild and fill out our roster.
Type: Semi-hardcore progression
Progression: 3/8M Uid
1/9M 9/9H 9/9N BoD
2/2N 1/2H CoS
Legion Raid Progression:
7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare: Mythic Cutting Edge
3/3 Heroic Trial of Valor: Ahead of the Curve
5/10 Mythic Nighthold
4/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras
9/11 Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne
Looking for:
Resto Shammy
Holy paladin
Resto Druid
Arms/ Fury Warrior
Faction: Horde
Raid Times:Times:
10:30pm-1:30am (PST)
11:30pm-2:30am (MTN)
12:30pm- 3:30am (CNT)
1:30pm-4:30am (EST)
Be on time
Have Discord for voice communication
Have installed the required add-ons
Prepare for raids outside of raid times (repairs, food, flasks, potions etc.)
Know your class and raid mechanics outside of raid times
Add-on List:
Deadly Boss Mods
Angry Assignments
Please contact coltongrundy#1258
< Solidarity > Is a newly formed guild with members that have been playing together for over a year with 6/9 M BoD and 2/2 H CoS experience looking for active members who want to raid. Founders are a group of adult gamer’s who are looking for like minded players that want to be in a longer term home.
Raid Times:
Tues & Thur 9:45pm-12:45am EST
Current Needs:
Be on time to raid
Have food/pre-pots
Learn fights if needed
Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. Raiding 2 nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild! So far, we have achieved 6/9 heroic and are going to push AOTC with the current tier of raiding. We also run mythic pluses, and generally have fun with each other.
We raid on Wednesday and Thursday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm server time.
We also run Normal Tier raids on Saturday nights as well (7:30 pm Server time).
Currently, we are a seeking ranged dps (Shadow Priest/Warlock) for progression, Item level of 390+, with knowledge of fight mechanics and a desire to learn and push content. Others will be considered of course!
We also have several Role Players. We plan out events, currently scheduled on Friday nights, and Sunday, but also love spontaneous role play any day of the week. So we do seek role players as well, who don’t necessarily have to raid, just to have fun!
We are still a growing guild, but we like to do a lot together, and are fairly active in game and on discord. Feel free to message me in discord at laskaland#1301.
Hi Flamemeter!
I’m dropping our guild’s info! Just message me on Btag, if you’re interested! =)
Arondight is currently on a Raider break! However, we are LF Raiders for the next raid tier in 8.2-Rise of Azshara! We’re 9/9 N BOD & 6/9 H BOD! 2/2 N COS! We’re in need of a tank, dps, or healer!
- Officially, our current raid times are Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 9-11:30 PM Pacific Standard Time! We are considering a change in time from 8:30-11:00 PM Pacific Standard Time! Please keep this in mind.
- We’re on the realm, Lightbringer.
- We’re an Alliance guild.
- We’re a very friendly, Heroic, semi-casual, raiding guild. Not hardcore, but not casual enough that we don’t push content. We’re about community and having fun, while pushing content!
- We’re very active in Discord. We sometimes host holiday contests, optional events such as: transmog/achievement runs, mythic+, raids, or pvp. Mondays are usually used for optional mythic+ or unofficial raids!
- We are currently LF for tanks (any), dps (dps preferred: rogue & rdps preferred: warlock, druid, mage, priest), or healers (preferred: shaman or druid)! Any skilled players.
- What does Arondight mean? Arondight is the name of Lancelot’s sword. It means unfading light.
- Please feel free to add/contact me on Btag @ Fade#1851.
MISSION STATEMENT: To uphold honor, loyalty, and friendship, to support one another as a whole in a manner that is Knightly.
Hello, we are recruiting:
Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis
We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST
Progressing on Heroic Crucible and Mythic BoD
Guild Master: Fiege
BNET: Fiege#1567