Hey guys,
Im a 424 frost mage looking for a guild.
I am new to this server but not new to the current raid tier and keys.
My experience is 9/9N and 8/9H Aberrus.
The raids times im usually looking for is around 6pm or 7pm server time.
I just want to progress my character and chill with cool peeps.
Current Prog : 7/9M Echo 43%
After Thought was an idea I had where some players get left behind, maybe not the best of the best, but can still work towards mythic kills or even cutting edge. As a player who has never gone hard at pushing anything M+ or even deep into mythic, when Dragonflight started, I thought to myself, I want more. I’ve been playing the game for 15 years. I have a good group of friends that I think we can push cutting edge. My goal is killing the mythic raid boss and killing that last boss on the hardest difficulty. As a guild master in the past, I’ve only pushed for AOTC (ahead of the curve). I’ve now led a guild to 6/9 mythic. I’m not alone; I have a good team behind me. We are here to stay, and we are here to get the cutting edge!
Raid Time:
- Mythic Prog --WED/THUR . Raid times are 730 server time!
- Mythic Alt/Trials – SUNDAY 730 server time!
- Good attendance(80%+ preferred)
- 4+ mythic+ dungeons a week for upgrades
- Good attendance is mandatory
- Healers: ANY
- Tanks: ANY
Fill out the application on discord (discord.gg/au79hQTXnw)
Add me if you need something. GM - Pureツ#3057