Maybe something that flew under the radar but ever since the server reset yesterday ive seen some insane frost mage damage.
I was in a rbg last night with a mage who hit the enemy flag carrier for a 1mill 45k glacial spike… he was also hitting regular non crit Icelances for 196k and critting icelance for over 400k… with most players at 1mill hp healthpools these days why are thier any abilities in the game that can take away half your hp in a instant cast? Much less 1 shot a tank in a rbg…
Guys were continually complaining about the game and at the same time paying thier wages… something needs to be done cause pvp is utter trash this season. Tell me to get gud all you want but any spell hitting for more then 1/3rd of someones healthbar needs to be removed… the game was so much better when you had to time/ cordinate and cc for kills… now you just run in and press buttons faster then the other guy for a W
He wasnt only hitting the tank though my dude, on details his lowest non critting Icelance was 196k… i have a frost mage and mine is lucky to crit for that dmg.
I knew i should of screenshotted it lol oh well guess its “alright” that a ability that has 0 cast time/ no resource cost, spammable can 2 shot most players in a flurry lol… its obvious no one test a dang thing in the game when they do weekly tuning or we wouldnt of had the feral exploit where regrowths were doing 3 mill heals and instantly patched but this is fine lol.
There’s a reason why almost every SS I play as a Frost Mage now.
They were absolutely overtuned. Frost/Sub should NEVER be doing top damage from the amount of CC/control they come with. Those specs should always be doing less damage than their class’ other less CC-bloated specs. Top Mage damage spec should ALWAYS be Fire because it’s the spec with the least CC/escapes and need to perform better to be viable. Assassin should probably be the highest Rogue DPS spec since it has the least CC of the 3.
Good let casters do damage. I don’t like seeing ice lance top damage but I’m fine if a casted glacial spike does the same damage as Elysian decree or an instant cast lava burst or mortal strike/chaos bolt etc. god forbid when a caster gets off casts it actually dents something. We should be promoting this.
Frostbomb is dispellable so I don’t find that an issue.
Im perfectly fine with casted abilities hitting hard like chaos bolt ect but 400k icelance? 300k frostbombs, 1mill glacial spike and regular frost bolts of 150k seem kinda high… my warriors mortal strike with all cooldowns is about 160k crits, the mage did more with a instant lance… multiple times throughout the game and critted for half my hp.