Hello all, new to frost mage, and really just mage in general, but I’m noticing i’m often lowest in damage in a lobby (in RSS). I’m assuming its just me, and my rotation, or that I’m struggling to do dps when trained. Or is this generally just how frost mages are? Like for example, I know sub rogue usually does very low total dmg compared to other classes in exchange for more control and on demand burst. Thoughts?
I’m new to mage as well. From what I’m getting so far from 2s with random specs while gearing, it’s about kiting until you can free cast, or free casting when you can. And go’s with snowdrift or another stun. Frostfire bolt build is the best atm. Peeling for teammates with slows, roots, polys is also big.
Dabdaddy is an expert on frost mages. He may be able to provide some guidance.
As a new caster, youre probably too focused on kiting/moving around and forgetting to just pew pew.
Use your tools but just chill and put out pressure too. Youll eat a kick or stuns and have them on you, but you still need to do damage.
Check out an updated frost mage guide, you may have looked at an old one that is basically “SPAM LANCE FOREVER”.
With recent changes I notice during Icy Veins it’s “spam frostfire” instead, you may be one change behind in terms of rotation priority.
Gladly, from my perspective hes clearly having a skill issue and not properly playing
Maybe if he stopped blowing his cooldowns on people in their defensives or either spamming poly expecting a free win he wouldnt be bottom on da chart
In general, drag dps away from their healer and try to rotate roots, dragon’s breath, and knock. Try not to overlap them with blink - if you rotate well, melee will never hit you. In terms of damage, ring of fire is a huge priority cast because it’s usually your second damage and you don’t care if youre kicked becayse you can cast other things. Consistently ice lance while kiting and you can always comet storm + flurry as well. Once you have space and/or kicks are down, SLAM frostfire bolts (big dam).