Frostfire: Frostfire Bolt damage increased by 15%.
Frostfire: Frostfire Infusion damage increased by 50%.
Frostfire: Frostfire Empowerment damage bonus increased to 60% (was 50%).
Frostfire: Frost Mastery now grants 2% Mastery (was 1% Mastery).
Thank you blizzard for realizing that the last round of nerfs to frost mage damage were absolute overkill
On that same note, I think the 50% nerf to frigid winds is very justified and a good play, as our slows in combination with our mobility made us grossly overpowered against many melee specs and even some ranged/healers.
Iām actually very impressed by these changes to frost, and salute the dev team for these changes. I think it will put frost mage at a very solid A tier position (still S against some melee, and B against some ranged/casters, but overall very solid A).
As far as unholy dk, thank you for nerfing them before I decided to level mine (they will still be fine, but less appealing to have as an alt now).