I have crafted the slick ice legendary and am now standing at 171 ilvl.
Just spamming heroic dungeon to be able to know them before going full into mythic…
I am doing extremely bad against MM hunter, SP and Boomkin, getting humiliated both on ST and AOE.
There is no way frost is a dominant spec at least for now.
I do not even see frost in the upper portion of the raid stats when the raid starts next week.
Blizz has nerfed frost hard just prior to the start of SL and they were wrong.
Let’s see how it turns out.
Sorry for a late-ish response, but I can tell you based on what I’ve seen in my guild, our mages are playing arcane and killing the meters.
The legendary being crafted makes things a bit more difficult, and is the main reason why I’m waiting until at least the middle of the week this week, or until Mythic Nathria launches next week.
My best recommendation is swap arcane if it all possible, as the soul ash you spent (1250) will be easier to get back as the weeks coming up will unlock higher floors of torghast making more available. In my opinion, while not entirely expert, I would say if you feel compelled to be a competitive DPS, swap to arcane for now and cut your losses.
You are in a potentially good situation anyway, as if frost becomes stronger down the line, you’ll already have a legendary ready for upgrade for that spec, so keep that in mind as well.
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