Hello everyone! Frost is recruiting for potential core raider positions for our progression raiding team. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild consisting of a full roster of not only exceptional players but friends as well. We are currently 12/12 in Karazhan and 2/2 in Gruuls Lair. We currently raid Tues/Thurs 7:30 - 11 PM (EST or Server Time) We are recruiting for the following classes, but exceptional players are always welcome to apply:
Priest (Holy)
Paladin (Holy)
What to expect? We use an EPGP loot system to encourage fair loot distribution with a special emphasis on healers/tanks for progression. Expect to come to raids fully enchanted/gemmed, full on consumables, and a positive attitude. The guild is extremely active on non-raid days as well to include: leveling alts, heroics, PVP, and various other content the game has to offer. Finally, a helping hand and friendly environment, as mentioned above we are all friends in the guild and someone is always willing to help when needed! If you have any questions please feel to reach out to me or our guild master via this post or in game (IGN:Lunarkiller or Cleminz) and we would be happy to answer any other questions you may have! Thanks for your consideration and we look forward to raiding together!