Frost DK vs Fury/Arms Warrior PVP Thoughts

Hello fellow melee chuggers,

I am trying to pick my main for the next xpac as it kicks off here shortly and wanted some insights from beta players. I enjoy both Frost DK’s and Fury Warriors playstyle and abilities so i would be happy with either in that aspect.

I plan to mostly PVP (RBG’s and Blitz) with the occassional M+ but i am by no means doing top tier content or 2k+ PVP rating content.

What’re your thoughts on which class is getting the best hero talents and who’s playstyle is changing from how it was in DF? One of my concerns is that Frost has been concerningly bad for so long that in my mind i feel its only a matter of time till the destory the spec again, and i hate the unholy playstyle. Where as worst case if fury warrior gets destroyed at least i most likely have arms to fall back on.

Any insight or thoughts is appreciated :slight_smile: As i know some will respond with “play what you like” i will reiterate that i enjoy both of these spec’s equally. thanks

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Fury is probably just better all-around. Frost gets hard clapped by disarms and your best talents hard telegraph when you’re popping damage cooldowns so you can’t avoid getting disarmed by good players.

Has no built-in healing reduction, has worse dps in the execute range although Deathbringer might change that, all they really bring is Grip and strangulate. They’re great tools but they’re just not crazy.

Can’t speak to Fury really but Frost’s weaknesses just are very difficult to scale into high skill brackets. If you’re playing casually fun should be the ultimate factor. Frost is fun!

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For purely RBGs or blitz I think Frost might be really good. Dropping a big DnD and obliterate cleaving people on a flag or base is going to be powerful.

Fury will almost certainly be better 1v1

Thanks for the feedback, anyone have any thoughts on how the hero talents make the specs feel? Anything really substantial change of do they more of just passively emphasize abilities/the current play style/rotation

Rbgs and solo q bgs, dk over warrior. Grip alone is massive for forcing engages. Great cleave and frost has some stellar options for team fights

Arena, warrior is better. Better comps and more options in general. Fury is also currently clapping.

Hero talent wise, now that rider scales with frost mastery, it feels so good. Really good damage.

Deathbringer has more sustain imo and is also a solid pick and the random procs it can apply can cause sporadic burst, making it less telled.

I had fun with both warrior and dk on the beta. Average around 2k mmr on solo que testing and loved them both.

Fury slayer is also really fun. High uptime on bladestorm feels so good.

Arms I didn’t test at all once they removed blademasters torment bladestorm. Fury is just better right now.

Level both. You have plenty of time figure things out.

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This man sold me on the Frost DK. I just needed the push to continue to zug zug of frost. Thanks for the input

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Go duel a frost mage as a fury warrior. It’s the stupidest experience in WoW.


Try it arms is even worst. Fury has better chances to win against casters