Frost DK Stat Priority

Just came back to WoW and don’t know how DK works this xpac. I’ve been stacking haste gear with DW Frost and Icecap build. Is this what I should be doing?

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From what I understand for frost DK (not my main, so grain of salt and all that), you want the obliterate build and mastery/crit > haste/vera. At least, that’s what I play on my two frost DKs, and I enjoy it. And they hit pretty hard.

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Mastery/vers for Frost pvp and for Pve you most likely want mastery>haste=Crit

Icecap builds are history, OP. I tried it. It’s not worth it. :sob:

You can continue with it if you want, just know that Obliteration and BoS are just so much better now.

Mastery/Crit is go-to for PvE Frost and Mastery/Versatility for PvP. Regardless of your weapon usage. If you like Haste, it’s not bad for either specs either.

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Stop that

Stop this as well.

Oblit and BoS are the only two viable choices. Oblit for PvP, generally BoS for PvE. If you go BoS for PvP you’ll have a bad time, mmmkay.

For PvP It’s Mastery/vers>haste - you can view my character in the armory for a good example.
For PvE I’m not the most educated on this topic but I believe people mentioned Mastery>Crit>Haste crit being more important than haste for the auto km procs.


For me currently it’s crit>mastery but I have pretty high mastery.

The best answer as always is sim yourself.

Versatility actually does well in PvE, surprisingly. In both multitarget and single target, it performs pretty much the same as crit. and mastery. I don’t know about haste. Icecap isn’t viable, it got nerfed via PoF being changed (shorter window) and losing azerite gear to get strength bonus (Icy Citadel) overlap with second PoF.

But mostly, focus on getting higher level gear. That trumps all secondary stats for the most part, as in strength is top stat.

As Tzunomi said, it’s best to run a sim yourself.

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Depends on what content you plan to go with. As most have stated, mast/crit are going to gain you the most benefit, per point, in the current state of the game. As new content is released, and power creep comes into play, this may or may not change, due to diminishing returns, depending on high we can stack those two.

If you like haste there’s nothing wrong with it. It just isn’t as optimal as the other two and therefore isn’t considered ‘viable’. If your not going into high M+ or MRaids then you can really build however you want. DW/Haste>Crit/Ice cap can be fun. Feels like your uptime on PoF is almost infinite. There is a definite, tangible, difference in damage output on longer fights. But, by no means, is it ‘bad’. Just not as good. And I find it much more useful for most situations that don’t include a longer fight as apposed to BoS.

BoS is an insanely strong burst. It’s super satisfying to use, especially when you get a lot of procs from RA and RE. And it makes you look like a dragon … rawr!! But it’s rarely useful outside of ‘woops we pulled to much and the tank only has a few seconds to live’ and boss fights. Any other time its a waste since everything will be dead before it even finishes it’s channel.

Obliteration is the middle ground between the two and scales better with mastery. It offers solid, mostly consistent, dmg output during your PoF ‘burst windows’.

What you should be doing is what appeals to you most. If min/maxing is your thing then go Oblit or BoS with mast>crit. Otherwise find what is most fun for you and lean into it. Ice Cap with haste can be a ton of fun and will not make you a terrible player … just a poorly optimized one.

Oh baby…time to play FF14. Unless of course you want to play Breath.

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Kind of weird how I was saying crit mastery early on in the expansion, people said I didnt know what I was talking about, and here people are saying mastery/crit or crit/mastery.

With KM rank 2, crit and mastery both have more value than haste or versatility in a pve environment. Mastery doesnt have any reduction until 76% (60% from stats) and makes all of your abilities better and crit helps make your main rune spender and one of your top abilities “Obliterate” depending on the build, actually do its full damage.

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Literally, no one said to go haste

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I didnt say anyone did either.

Where in that post did I say people were saying to go haste? Its not in there, just that people said I didnt know what I was talking about like they always do and then a few months down the line it turns out I was correct.

But in actuality, people have said to go haste, even told me to get haste because it was my best stat. Even the OP assumed haste so you cant say

and it be remotely accurate.

I barely played this expansion so I have no idea how the stat scaling works this time around. Just started playing DK for the first time last week since hitting 60.

I don’t remotely want to play Breath build but since Pillar got nerfed and Azerite talents are gone I don’t seem to have much of a choice but to DW/Breath in PvE.


Killing Machine Rank 2 is a huge part of the spec whether its Obliteration or Breath. Mastery boosts everything up and it only takes around 17 stats to get 1% frost damage boost. It works good for Obliteration because in that window it forces KM procs which now give Obliterates Frost damage, and the triggers are both frost damage as well. Crit is good for the 48 seconds outside of Pillar for Obliteration builds, or if you are BoS its still good because Obliterate is still #2 in damage right behind BoS, and its #1 for Obliteration builds.

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Sadly ice-cap is toast

That was probably the result of azerite talents disappearing combined with Pillar’s cooldown being nerfed. Icy Citadel and Frostwhelp’s Indignation made Icecap a worthwhile talent after it got buffed.

Corruptions providing secondaries allowing people to reduce Pillar cd to the point where you were using pillar while Icy Citadel was active. Thats the main reason why it worked.

Icecap sucks flatout, Sindy is better always has been haste to 1000 once we get the gear in this expansion then mastery FTW. Build always used and still works.

Mastery as high as can get with 20% crit and under 12.5% Haste is my general guideline. Crit higher good as well.

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