Okay so I plan on grinding out a good set of frost damage gear for my shaman because I love the idea of frost shock hitting harder and frost brand weapon. I understand that you only get a percentage of damage from your gear for these two abilities but still this is what I want to do, are there any items you all would recommend that are perfect for this type of build. I already am set on grinding out two frozen bands because this item just seems so fun to me.
You’re gonna piss off a lot of mages boi
Yeah I know, but I have discussed this with friends and they have agreed to help me grind out what I need so I won’t have to worry about too many randoms.
I mean is your goal to actually kill stuff…? Probably won’t happen since you’re sacrificing actually good stats for this
A full frost damage frost shock crit with elemental mastery is going to hit pretty hard, the main way I saw this being fun was specing into improved shocks and improved lightning shield having two freezing bands and using a fast one hander to proc frost brand weapon I could just stick on a flag carrier in WSG and basically perma slow them.
There was a thread about this already a while back. A lot of good info was in it. Something with scaling of instant casts and frostbrand weapon was minimal even with +spell dmg and +frost dmg gear. It boiled down to like a battle mage type class where you cast out far and still have 2h damage up close.
It’s a neat concept and more power to you but I don’t think you’re going to get the big hits your after. And you sacrifice a lot of other stats trying to stack +frost
you can already permaslow people with rank 1 frost shock, seems like a waste to do this tbh… frostbrand’s sp coefficient is 10% and frost shock’s is 40% so your damage is going to be severely gimped given how inefficient the sp conversion is and how much stat budget sp is taking away from actual stats you need like agi, str etc
On an unrelated note, it’s cool seeing only shamans posting so far.
Blizzard, see this? See all these shamans coming together. Open up class forums already.
A prebis mage has like 450+ spell damage right? So roughly 112+ damage on frostshock. Not 100% on those numbers but the plan seems less cool to me.
This is something we can all agree on!
Wouldn’t you be better off just aiming for +spell damage gear–that way you can also buff your lightning bolts/chains AND your heals.
Sticking with strictly frost for frost shock and frostbrand seems incredibly inefficient and seems like it would gimp you pretty badly. I wouldn’t think you would want to rely on a shock with a CD, and frostbrand (which I think has a trash spell coefficient anyways)…IDK tho.
This was probably my thread I made a thread a few weeks ago asking if it was possible, but in this thread I was just wanting to know some gear I should be looking to get.
It does, indeed. Frostbrand has a 10% coefficient per proc.
The biggest problem with this build is that Frostbrand sucks. A fire damage build would be a lot more viable on shaman than frost, though of course general spell damage is the best option for us.
Just remember on this patch of vanilla blizzard included the DR on frostshock, so each frostshock snare is shorter and shorter. After your third frost shock the enemy player is completely immune until the DR resets.
This was later removed in the BC launch patch.