Frost and DnD

When it comes to frost AoE how important is Death and Decay to our AoE? I’m leveling this character up as frost and trying to figure out how important DnD is to Frost in AoE situations.

It is not very important. If there is 3 or more mobs its not a waste in terms of rune to damage value, but you can easily get by without it.

if we had hungering cold back and it could be worked into a 30 sec cd.
slows down mobs by x% every sec for 10 sec and hurts the mobs that are immune to slows

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If i remember correctly it’s only ever used on a certain amount of enemies in aoe. In pvp it can be used to decloak invis targets if you get lucky/time it correctly. If you’re a nightfae it’s a super good skill since it becomes death’s due.