From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

You have nothing to lose. The game is free up to level 60.


They have Carbuncle slippers and themed outfits in their cash shop. :dizzy_face:


And we have Murloc PJ s, fairy wings, and flying pigs.

can’t go wrong with carbuncles

I had a big concern about this myself until recently.

There has never been a better time to start.

Its free for the most part right now.

There is a mass influx of new players to play with and a community that is by in large welcoming and helpful.

There are tons of exp bonuses in game right now to get you ready for the new expansion in November.

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It sounds like you have a lot of complaints. I’m sorry you had a bad experience, but some of the things your stating I disagree with in my own experience.

Use the off GCD abilities. weaving them in makes up for it IMO.

This is the WoW inventory bag system, unmodded, but if you got HUGE bags and an armory chest at level 1 for free.
These “small tabs” each hold 35 slots each (larger than any wow bag) and you get an armory chest that holds 35 items for every equipment slot your character has.

SO entirely WITHOUT your banks (yes plural) that’s 140 inventory slots, effectively infinite crystal storage, quest items don’t count and have their own inventory so as to not take up your space, and (I think) 525 items of armory storage for your gear.
And again this is WITHOUT BANKS.

I’m… not quite sure you played FF14 sir.

This is your bank. You have to unlock bank slots in WoW too. Each servant can carry a truly obscene amount of loot. THEN gave you a second bank that can carry an equally obscene amount of loot.

Imagine having the ability to carry almost 700 items at once and then getting MULTIPLE banks on top of that, and complaining it’s not enough storage.

Not having issues here, and I haven’t paid a dime extra. I have a glamour set for every class.

I use a damage meter. My friends use damage meters. We talk about them all the time. No repercussions.

For the normal version, yes. Try that with Savage or Ultimate though…


Biggest thing that hooked me is they’re actually willing to sell me a F***ing flying broom! How many years do we gotta beg Blizzard to give us that mount, and they still won’t? lol


And it’s still more fun than WoW.

Also adding sage class, another healer/support role.


Sage looks awesome, Reaper too, I cannot wait!

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I play and enjoy both games (Shocking, I know), FF14 does some things better, while WoW does some other things better.

For example:

  • FF14 for the most part has reliable, consistent content releases.
  • FF14 has a noticeably friendlier community, and Square-Enix is more stringent than Blizzard when it comes to enforcing good behaviour. Being nasty to a “sprout” (new player, named for the icon that appears above their heads) will get you in serious trouble.
  • Being able to play all classes, jobs, and professions on a single character is something I really like.
  • Much more flexibility in endgame, you are not funnelled into “raid or die” like in WoW.
  • FF14 has a much more coherent narrative, especially for new players who started recently and multiple expansions to get through. You play through the whole story, including the max-level endgame story, of each expansion before you move on to the next expansion. The game literally will not let you move on to the next expansion until you’re completed the prior expansion’s entire main story campaign, both the leveling quests and the endgame quests (Unless you buy a skip). Since you can play all jobs on a single character, this is not really a problem for alts.
  • FF14 does a much better job of keeping old content, especially legacy endgame content, relevant. They don’t throw it out when the next expansion comes out.

On the other hand:

  • I tend to like the class/job ability rotations better in WoW, it feels more fast paced, and it doesn’t use 1 2 3 combos in every melee job.
  • I like having multiple difficulty settings for the raids in WoW.
  • WoW’s transmog/glamour system is way better than the one in FF14.

One more thing I noticed:
There seems to be far more respect between the community and the developers in FF14 then there is in WoW. The developers are very passionate about the game, and they seem to listen to player feedback a lot more, and in return the community for the most part has a very high level of respect and admiration for the developers. They regularly put out “live letters” every couple of months where they discuss their plans and answer some of the most burning questions.

Also, when they need to do something that they know will be unpopular, but ultimately necessary, they will clearly explain their reasons for doing so. One such example would be their decision to make Hrothgar male only and Viera female only (Note: This is getting rectified with the next expansion).


The WoW players that get so upsetti spaghetti whenever FFXIV is mentioned are the same ones that make WoW such a toxic place to play.

It works out in my favor though because they’re the same ones that refuse to try FFXIV and that helps weed out the bad apples in the community and keeps FFXIV a better place for everyone.


I got ffx14 and there game is cleaner then wow transmogs to

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? As an XIV player I don’t know what you’re trying to say here. The glamour UI is a complete mess, WoW at least succeeds on the department of just unlocking appearances whereas glamour dresser is stuck to 400 items which when you play more will become more and more of a handicap.

XIV does armor better I will definitely say, but WoW does the whole unlocking an appearance and having it for good aspect better. Though in reality if I had to pick a game, I’d take XIV even with its worse glamour/transmog interface just because the gear is leaps and bounds above what you get in WoW.

Pretty much on point. FF14 has better armor design, but terrible wardrobe management. Especially when you try to xmog all your jobs + maintain a casual wear set.

Wow trasmogs look like there painted ffx14 gear looks real there weapons alone kills wows

Yeah, the armor is significantly better. The stuff you can get at level 50 looks better than any set I’ve ever seen in WoW. Just saying the ability to actually have an expansive glamour dresser is their weakest point.

400 items when you start off seems like a lot but when you’re at 80 and soon 90, there’s so much good pieces of gear that can fit with so much other things you realize it isn’t nearly enough. Especially when you get to the pieces that REALLY can fit with almost anything else. The Skallic chestpieces are notorious for this where they are just good with so much things in the game.

That said, that is the only downside to XIV’s glamour system. The gear is spectacular, the gear not being painted on garbage is amazing, gear even has its own physics where my cape will actually blow in the wind.

Take a gander at Eorzea Collection sometime if you haven’t already. Just look at the fantastic sets people have made.

To each there own. It’s ok to like different games and even play multiple games at once. I don’t like ffxiv I’ve legit given it a fair shake multiple times. But I’m sure there are many ppl who love it, that’s fine by me.