From those of us in IT, Dev and QA

Thank you for all the challenging work you are doing.

Some of us do understand the magnitude of having to deal with a new system like you have set up for classic to be amazing and special.

Some of us understand that QA is done over and over and over and still when going live something can trip things up.

Some of us understand the pressure and crunch you are under right now while trying to get the data migrated correctly.

Take your time and know some of us are incredibly grateful!

God speed our brothers and sisters!


Amen brother!


This times a million. Deployments without having to deal with thousands of angry gamers are bad enough, can’t even imagine the stress and pressure of doing this today.


Imagine not rushing a title and letting your debuggers actually do their job without a gun to their head because you need to impress shareholders.

ive herd unplugging the device for 15 to 30 seconds can help, good luck blizzard

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From those of us in IT, Dev and QA:

We would have been fired long ago with this sort of performance.


Meow meow me me moo moo.

users cant do your qa for you if you dont turn the servers on!

Bump bumpy bump

Aww someone’s salty this is like the 10th post I’ve seen you post the same stuff in are you a bot…nope just a sad troll.

NOt the case with some windows blunders of late. A couple exchange killing patches in recent months. Fun times.

Turn off the VM, restart. Watch the services fire up, re fire up, re fire up…string of very bad words to follow.

Last patch was decent enough to just kill crap. I’ll take dead service over always restarting. It still sucks but its less annoying.

Earnings aren’t till August, I dont think they are trying to impress anyone with “rushing” this. They just want you idiots to play this game.

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As someone who works in IT Ops for enterprise (RHEL and Splunk), my heart goes out to all of the Blizz teams working tonight. Deployments going wrong are always rough. Remember to treat yo selves and know that there’s many of us who understand the pain you’re going through tonight. May the Light be with you!

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I’m enjoying it! I get to see how many people genuinely are concerned for the direction this company is going-- “everythings fine, la la la la”

Not leveling any new alts or nuffin, nothing left to do, just funny to see the mindless defend the incompetent.

What is this amazing and special? Making a “cloning” system unstead of just make it like 14 years ago? What is so amazing? lol?

So glad I didn’t go the DBA route. This is where those guys make their money but it really takes you away from your family and life if things go off the rails.


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