From the ashes of Augmentation, make a Tank spec!

Yeah, if you pretend for 20 years people weren’t asking for bard. Almost every single one of those threads were asking for bards. And I won’t even touch the severe lack of logic it takes to conflate asking for something that didn’t exist in the game (i.e., support) versus a tank. You say some dumb stuff, but this is right near the top.

Even more, since the third spec for Evoker was leaked to when it was announced as a support, I guarantee you there were more threads on these forums asking for it to be a tank and not a support.


The problem isn’t support in of itself. The problem is that Blizzard made Augmentation the ONLY support spec in the game. Which means that if its falls off in any way, it’s going to get benched, and if its OP in any way, its going to force DPS Evokers to be Augmentation or get benched.

You fix that by either creating an entire new 4th role for support specs and making more support specs (unlikely).

OR, you change the spec into a real DPS spec or a Tank spec and change the name (more likely).

I like the idea of Augmentation, but Blizzard screwed up. I really don’t know why they went this route, because they could have gotten the spec out on time and made the class far more popular if they had just went tank or straight DPS.


If you’ve seen the effort Blizzard puts into allied races, you’d know they prioritize maximizing profit and efficiency. Adding a “4th role” would massively increase their workload—both now and in the future—and that’s not even debatable. Why would they willingly take on that extra burden when the return on investment would be minimal at best?

I agree it’s highly unlikely, but even if Blizzard did implement a 4th role, I don’t see how it results in a net positive. Sure, a handful of players might flock to the shiny new support specs, especially if they’re overpowered. But then the complaints would start rolling in: balancing would be an absolute nightmare, and instead of Aug taking all the hate, it would shift to the new support roles.

There’s just no clear win here. Anyone asking for more support specs or a dedicated support role is essentially asking for the impossible—unless Blizzard decides the workload is worth the squeeze. And honestly, based on their track record, that seems pretty far-fetched.