From a Hunter to a Ret Pally.. jeezus

So this is what it’s like to get accepted to keys and not have to sit in que applying for 45 minutes and getting denied to +7’s and +8s as 2400io.

Kinda like it over here :smirk:

Should have been a ret pally in TBC, the lolret era was amazing, could barely get invited to heroics if you didn’t know the people b4hand. :joy:

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You’re an orc.

Go away.


The gaslighting guild continues theor trips to the paladin forums


Lol here i am unable to get into keys due to no IO…

Cannot get IO without io

In all fairness hunters are notorious for being the most awful players in every aspect of the game. I’m not gonna lie. Outside of my friend circle I don’t invite hunters to anything. I don’t care if they have a 700 item lvl and a 4k raider io. They will get declined within seconds of applying. They are a consistent liability and have let me down one to many times.


whats total BS is being a 2300 IO Hpal and having trouble finding mythics.


Sir you literally have the most cringe copy paste ret pally name. Relax on hating on orcs.

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I’m glad and proud to take the name of the greatest paladin who ever lived, the same paladin who killed your kind and defeated your greatest warrior and leader.

Popcorn made. This is getting good.


Take is quite accurate. The name wouldn’t have ever been given to the likes you.

Says the ORC who lost to us paladins.

Go away.

that’s not how you spell “Tirion Fordring” my guy


Omg bgs were hilarious me and a friend went ret rolled the field in ab

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Some things never change