Frogging isn't the only way to get a big cloak

Currently sitting at 7k main stat on cloak and 500 ilvl pieces through “natural” means.

It isn’t hard to get Bronze if you put an ounce of effort into the game. Do your dailies, farm some Timeless Isle rares, and also the simple fact that if people play more, they progress more.

It’s honestly hilarious the amount of people that accuse me of frogging just because I’ve progressed further than them, as if the way they play has to be the most efficient. My druid wasn’t even 70 by the time frogging was nerfed.

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It feels a lot better now that the scaling was tuned a bit. Farming feels like it did when I was level 30. Last week it was atrocious.

So now raid runs on Normal feel like transmog runs, as was intended.

But yeah, complaining accomplishes nothing, although there are legitimate grievances w/ the cost of upgrades. They’re absurd. Just playing the game gets you to where you want to be a lot faster than relying on devs to do right by the base.

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Winner attitude!