Froggers nerfed.. so why I'M STILL SURROUNDED BY MONSTERS?

dont you get it.
these people crave the mines.
they want 1 raid to last 8 hours so they can complain more about the real problem;bronze aquisition.

Bronze acquisition isn’t a problem if you invest in power.

my point is if one raid takes your entire day of playtime. bronze aquistion goes down the drain

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yes, these people just want something to complain about.

they ask to nerf players’ cloaks to make themselves feel better about their own inadequacies.

then i bet you when there is only 3-4 weeks left for MoP:Remix, they will all be complaining that mythic siege needs to be nerfed so that they can get their paragon of the mists title.

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I hope that you, like me, have a massive spreadsheet and paid interns to fill it with the names of everyone that is ignorantly attacking frog farmers/gear upgraders intead of Blizzard.

When the time comes I will pass it around in the shadows to make sure they never get into a well geared group for the rest of their life.

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Maybe. You get around 10k per day doing bizarre dailies. On three characters that’s 30k. Should be able to get everything in like 40 days

LOL. I get well over 40k a day. Speed is the single most important thing to farming bronze.

They have max Ilevel gear. The cloak does not compare to the gear. Why it was not a big deal to lose power to cloak.

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Fully upgraded 556 gear is worth 5-10x more stats than the cloak. Clueless forum users who didn’t know the gear was the issue whined about the cloak and got that nerfed instead

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This, I farmed frogs for 30 mins, left to quest and do other things. My cloak got a reset.

I don’t even have upgraded gear past 2 since its too expensive to do so. I don’t understand why we all get a roll back but they get to keep al the upgraded epic gear they collected.

They should have rolled everyone and scaled the gear as well. Now we are all screwed over this dumb thing they did.

Look at my gear and tell my why I got a reset on my cloak after farming dungeons, raids, scenarios.

Blizzard messed this event soo hard…

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the best outcome would be that blizzard did not nerf anyone’s cloak or downgrade any of their gear/stats in any way - instead, blizzard should have just reduced the costs of upgrades and let everyone keep the cloak/gear they already had.

i will agree that the cost of upgrades is way too costly - which is what is causing everyone to search for farms like the frogs because it seems insurmountable to attain full max ilvl gear through normal play.

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Idk man I didn’t even make my character until frogs were nerfed and I’m at 500 on all my items and 5k int. It doesn’t even seem like that’s a huge number.

The cloak absorbs threads like a dry sponge in water. I’m over 6k int which is double what I started yesterday with.

when they did frogs they got hundreds of thousands in bronze from turning in coins for chests. They used that bronze to upgrade their gear. More stats come from the gear then the cloak. So they nerfed the cloak but they’re still in full gear and well beyond the normal playerbase.

Blizzard didn’t do anything about gear, so therefore you are still surrounded by monsters. But enjoy your 40k…

So much for this:

I’m still only 376 iLVL across the board aside from my weapon and only lost like 100K health to the nerf. No one in their right mind could ever say I gained anything from the frogs if I am still only at that iLVL and lost that little bit to nerfs.

But even though I did only lose a little bit and I could have farmed it back in like a day, it’s the principle of the matter, Blizzard openly stated they would be looking at a small number of players who received an extreme advantage from frogs, nothing about my character is extreme.

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That only means you choose the wrong way.
I only clear all daily quests and raids. Now I have over 3 million HP. Lol!

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Yeh sucks balls, we decide to go HAM in an advertised OP and fun game mode only to be hit with the nerf hammer.

I didn’t even get 40K and I am not even OP, didn’t gain anything from the minimal frogs I killed back at level 50 pre nerf.

I made 190k (230k if you include the free 40k) in the past 2 days. Did all the daily stuff, did all the raids on normal, soo on heroic once, and then farmed orbs for hours.

Careful, do one thing for too long and you will be nerfed.


So what?

This is not a competition to see who can get the highest stats fastest, it is a relaxing, fun leveling mode.

Play it like that and you will have a much better time.

Or, if the only way you know how to play with others is to compete against them, take your self back to regular WoW and have an even better time.