Frog farming has ruined the experience in MoP classic

There’s 1 in eevery lfr/raid run i’ve been in so far with like 60k+ stamina from the cloak and doing millions of DPS soloing the raid. This is not fun for everyone else who now have no way of competing with them in any way.

I wanted to actually have fun reseeing the raid/dungeon content. Not getting carried by someone who sat there and killed frogs for 10 hours. It’s actually just boring for everyone else involved. If I wanted to oneshot and solo the MoP raids I would just log onto my main and do that - it’s not the point of the event.


But you aren’t competing. You’re on the same team.


The gameplay is just worse because of this. It really has nothing to do with “competition.” Being unable to compete is really just the cherry on top


Ngl. If I was in a raid back in the day and someone was doing absurd damage and carrying the raid, I would befriend them so fast. You’ll get so many carries. lol.


BTW there were people who came back to wow specifically for this event because they enjoyed mop.

This is easily the most shameful and poorly done event i’ve seen for a long time. Imagine the time invested in development just for it to not matter because they can’t remember to renerf the hyperspawns. Imagine being a blizzard employee ATM, what an embarrassment.


All I want to know is why they aren’t they banning the exploiters or at the least rolling them back? Are they friends of the Developers? Part of a specific group that has earned immunity to the rules that the rest of us are expected to follow?

The company claims time and time again that ‘they have logs’, and can ‘see’ this stuff, yet 9/10 times when I look over CS, all I see are contrived reasons for bans these days; cloaked behind “We only talk to the player!” except for the simple fact that often? They do NOT.

Rather most of the time I’ve found that their words or reasons are cloaked very adaptive or nebulous terms such as “Other” or some bottom of the barrel scrapping excuse that is a technicality at best, and anyone with a whit of common sense can see that. That also isn’t counting the GMs who don’t even follow their own EULA, (specifically Section 9) when they refuse to send you an email notifying you that an action was taken, and when you go to appeal? They don’t elaborate on why you were punished and simply blather. “We determined the correct action was taken.”

But probably the worst? When you wait 15 days, and it’s clear your being slow walked. You appeal only to get some GM who intentionally omits their GM handle, so you have no idea who just answered your ticket after 15+ days. So you reopen the ticket only to get threatened that if you reopen it again, you’ll face consequences for daring to ask for information.

So no. I am starting to really think the entire system is broken and needs serious reform from the ground up.


Because Blizzard’s supports exploiting.
Exploit early, exploit often, you get away with it.


I completely agree with you on this.

Anyone trying to gacha you or being willfully ignorant about what is going on in MoP remix is just braindead.

I’m going to keep playing the event because I want the tmog, mounts, etc. but my hype for this is basically gone and it is extremely unfun to play, other than the occasional wtf moments.

One thing I like about the event tho is not a single soul cares or bats an eye at you trying to experiment with the game. That is very refreshing.

My man, competition can exist within a team.
They work together to down the bosses, but they’re competing against each other to see who can perform the best.


I have had a couple of these people in dungeons, it just isn’t fun to have one person doing 90% of the groups damage and running around like we’re not even there with them. I find it absolutely baffling that Blizzard didn’t bring the frog people down to some normal level.


The only way to do it would be to roll back their characters entirely or the realms because cloaks aren’t the only factor. They used massive amounts of bronze to upgrade their gear.

If Blizz had integrity they would have done something within a day, but since they’ve waited this long the chance is close to 0 they want to spend resources on it. It shouldn’t have gone live but mistakes happen - they just made no attempt to fix it.

So do it. If they exploited, do it. Because lets be honest, any of us could and would get banned for less, and players often do for nebulous nonsense like “Exploiting the Economy” or “Other”. The worst part however? All of this is helped by the legions of loyal sycophants on the forums who run to the defense of the company in CS, and claim pointlessly that Blizzard can do absolutely no wrong. Most sane people know better by this point.

Honestly it’s kind of sad to see them conduct themselves as if they were some puberty afflicted teens running a Yahoo or AOL RP Group from the 90s where all the ‘in crowd’ was permitted to engage in metagaming and power plays to uplift their experiences at the detriment of all others.


Any “nerf” to progression without also nerfing those that used said method is stupid .

All Blizzard is doing is rewarding those who got in early. Now the rest of us can wallow and endure .

It’s really dumb. Especially for time limited content that was advertised as an OP fest fun mode

I’m fine with running into groups that have someone strong enough to carry, it makes up for the raids where people don’t know any of the mechanics and wipe.

Plus, having a group that had either one uber DPS or an extra-beefy tank and a strong DPS made it easily possible for me to finish off Throne and Siege, the raids that have ‘wall’ bosses if you can’t cheese them. Especially since each kill with a beefy person makes us stronger too, and soon, will be able to solo the raids ourselves before the end of the event.

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Finally somebody gets it.


The players who exploited or whatever you call it, gotta major head start.
Not sure other people can catch up unless they no-life it through out the limited-time duration.

Blizzard should just have left it as is.

It would have been best if the exploit didn’t exist in the first place.
But if it did, they should have left it because it creates a huge gap between players, OR, rollback the players who used said exploit.

Leaving a huge gap between players who used the exploit and players who didn’t is the worst way of treating the problem.

I was starting to enjoy MoP, but ill just get a few of the mounts and go back to retail. I was planning to get some of the heirlooms, but whatever…
Blizzards incompetence ruined it

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it is not a competition

i havent played for over a day, logged in, and completed SoO with little to no problems

just play the game and stop complaining about what others are doing, worry about yourself

the event is 90 days long


Being carried in a limited time event by the frog lords in raids sounds much better than the alternative of constantly wiping because the scaling in Remix is completely broken.

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Did it? Odd. I hadn’t noticed until I came to the forums and saw all the complaints.

My only regret is that I didn’t know about it before I hit 70 on my first guy.

Frog farming may have ruined your experience. But that’s on you. If you didn’t go around the net comparing yourself to everyone else maybe you could learn to enjoy something based on your personal experience instead of having everyone else tell you how to play.