Fri/Sat Light Mythic guild LFM

Hello, Buds Til Disband is looking to build a mythic focused roster!!

Guild information

We are a 5-year-old guild that faction and server transferred to Mal’Ganis in BFA. We are an AOTC guild looking to turn the corner for more mythic progression without a full CE focus. We will never require extended hours, we will never ask for extra raid days, and until the content is so boring you can practically sleep through it, we won’t extend lockouts. Our goal is to maximize the 6 hours per week we play by recruiting players who are hungry but need the light weekend raid schedule to accommodate real life.

Raiding should be fun, and we strive to keep the atmosphere light, but at the same time serious enough to be conscience of everyone’s time, and investment. You’ll usually find us in discord talking smack, and cracking jokes on a nightly basis. We run a lot of M + too, so if that’s something you enjoy try us out! We have a wide range of players from 30+ parents to college students. Our priority is to create a cohesive and fun atmosphere so that folks want to log on to play rather than log on from a sense of obligation. Everyone plays their best when they are having fun. We do have some heroic only raiders that are filling for mythic. Therefore, the spots we are trying to fill are not for bench.

Since we do have a light schedule, optimizing hours is very important. We expect raiders to come gemmed, enchanted, and with a general idea of how each encounter works. We do take performance and attendance seriously. Slacking off or not showing up is not fair to the people who are hungry to kill bosses and progress.

Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 9-12 EST

Progression - 10/10 Heroic, 2/10 Mythic

Currently Recruiting (immediate raid spots) -

WW Monk: High

DPS DK: High

Spriest: High

Druid (Moonkin): Very High

Mage: High

Healer (pref druid, disc priest): High

Contact Information

B-Tag - Beef#12743, Andro#1365

Discord: Whoisit#3685, Andro#8398

Please reach out. If you’re interested, we do like to talk to all recruits in discord for a few minutes just to make sure everything is a fit.