Fri/Sat Core Raiders Wanted

|DIVERSITY| PAGLE | Friday/Saturday Main Raiding

Join us as we bolster our ranks for TBC.

We’re recruiting moderate and well geared members who can commit to Friday and Saturday raiding. Our guild takes a raider first approach rather than a raid first approach. Members are expected to perform to the best of their ability during raid times. We’ll treat you right, and expect you to do likewise.

We run a Soft Reserve loot system. HR’s are kept to a minimum, but are used. If you’re attendance is sporadic or lackluster you may lose prio on a select few items.

We’re a friendly helpful guild looking to round out our last raider positions with healers and DPS. All inquiries will be considered though. We’ve yet to have a shadow priest or moonkin, so there will be positions if there’s one out there missing a home.
BWL and MC are on farm, and we’ve dipped our toes into AQ40, but need you to round out the team. Raid times are Friday and Saturday at 8pm ST. ZG/AQ20 are Monday and Wednesday @8. But may occur periodically on other days. If you’re looking for a guild that’s focused yet pleasant, be sure to check us out. DM Jeren, Aokijii, Mograyne, Helisch, Basileios or /who Diversity.

Diversity Discord: HEbMBaBH8G