Friends list displaying out of order

After the 8.2 patch, the friends list is occasionally not placing online friends at the top for the Battle net part. It swaps positions and places some people on mobile above them. (No this is not related to the favourites feature, because I have none set).


Me too, annoying


fix this blizz ;w;

Thank you all for the report. Can you please send us screenshots to

it seems like my bnet favorites are listed at the top of the friends list for some reason. please at least put in an option to disable it


Screenshot has been sent! <3

Screenshot sent to email and just for ref for others, hereā€™s an example of mine:

As you can see there are individuals whom are online and actively in a game but arenā€™t sorted to the top of the list as before 8.2, instead have to scroll down to see them.

when i look at my list have a few not in game atm on top, then a few in game after that pack, then some not in game again, then some in game again. just groups off and on all the way down to when the those offline are listed. very confusing .

Sent my screenshot, thanks !

This still isnā€™t fixed, Iā€™m tempted to remove all my favorites for a temp fix, but wouldnā€™t fix the issue of people logged into the desktop app or mobile showing above people actually in game.

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Since Patch 9.2, (Feb. 22, 2022) Iā€™ve been seeing this issue. Online friends are not at the top of the friends list, while an offline friend appears at the top where the online friend would normally be.

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Iā€™ve been seeing something similar since 9.2, random offline WoW only friends (specifically not battlenet) will appear in the online section when others that are online appear further down. Like their locations are swapped.
So weird.

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Same issue, hoping for a fix soon so I can see who is online without scrolling through the entire list

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This bug seems to be back again

Normally, it would show BNet friends that are online and any characters online would show under that

Instead, it shows the online characters underneath the offline BNet friends and it will show one offline character in the place it should be,

Boy, glad I donā€™t have anyone on my friends list. Iā€™d hate to go through this mess.