Friends List - Bugged almost everyday

Been happening more and more the last couple of weeks. My friends list is blank. Logging out, restarting Bnet doesn’t fix it. Then it will magically work some days.

Today it is doing it again. Blank list.


reporting in from Scarlet Crusade , friend list is completely wipe too. :frowning:

Guess I will play a l o n e (berserk sad theme starts to play)

i don’t think it matters what server you are on bnet is bugged for almsot everyone i think i cnt even play some of my other games keeps telling me i need to be the party leader when im not in a party (for bnet games) and all friends are wiped as if i never had any nothing helps it reset

Are they working on it right now? Mine is gone pecan, too. Restarts didn’t work.

I just logged onto the Bnet launcher & once again, my bnet friends are all gone. it doesn’t matter if you close it out & reload it. It sits there empty telling me to add a friend -.-
Now when I log onto a toon, my non bnet friends list appears but still no Bnet friends. This happens more often then not.

I just noticed this for the first time.

So its safe to play during this and my battletags will come back with time? I was going to stay off til it was fixed because one of my battletag friends doesn’t actually play much anymore but we chat via the app.

I don’t know how I’ll be able to reconnect with that friend if my list is perma-wiped.

(Deleted old one because I didn’t mean to reply to someone specific. I didn’t know the post would stay there and say deleted.)

I noticed people are/were having random group disbands. I wonder if this is related and if it’s safe to group up at all.

Same issue. All bnet friends gone, can’t see them ingame either. I’m guessing its the authentication issues I guess.

i seen that aswell M+ grps were getting disband randomly and key would get ruined it may be related hopefully something is done soon

there is a notification on bnet now of them saying they are aware so hopefully it’ll be really soon

I’ve been at work all day so I didn’t even know there was an issue until I got on the launcher. The message doesn’t give any details on what the issues are on “several realms”.

ok now a red ! has appeared on the launcher talking about authentication servers having an issue so that would most likely be why the bnet friends list isn’t appearing.

Turned on computer today and for the first time ever my friend’s list is completely gone. And I’m not talking about the blank friend list bug that is fixed on restarting, the client tells me to add a friend, bnet chat logs are all gone, and only see old in game non-bnet friends. Where did my friends go?? ;-;

My list is there but if i dm anyone it says there was a error please blizzard fix your friends ui group ui raid ui its all super annoying to constantly have issues that are caused by your default ui and not addons

I’m having the same issue. I had a friends list all day, I log out and come back an hour or so later, and no friends. I close WoW and reopen it, but still no friends. I log out of battlenet altogether and reopen and still no friends. I have never had this issue in all my years of playing wow, usually this is a big issue on OW, but lately it’s been happening all the time on WoW.

The friends list going blank has been frequent for me (and a few guildies) for the last few weeks. Exiting the client doesn’t help. Really annoying.

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Blizzard your game is trash. How can a multi-million dollar business have so many issues?

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Welcome to the company where they will say “reset/uninstall addons, reset interface, pay the monthly fee, do this, do that” but the problem will NEVER be on their side :slight_smile:

This is hapenning everyday at least once. On weekly reset its even worse.