Friends in my Friends List are gone!

All my Friends in the Friend List are gone, & I can’t add Friends! A Friend of mine is having the same problem.

Server downtime this morning did NOT fix this! I’ve been playing since 2006, this is a crushing problem. Blizz please remedy

I’m having same issue. All my chars have lost their lists and I cannot add any names to list.

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I, too, am having this issue on all of my characters.

Same, all friends, across all characters and even realms , are missing from my lists.

Same issue since yesterday .

Still no answer from Bliz. Gamemaster answered my ticket by basically not answering my ticket and referring me to report a Bug. What is going on, is this a ignore players who are having this issue? Looks like a rather big issue and they are either unable to fix it or working on it and keeping mum.

Still broken since last patch