Friendly reminder

For those venturing back into WoW:Classic or those experiencing it for the first time, remember one thing…There are no server transfers, there are no name changes, there are no faction changes. What you portray to the server is what people remember you by. Unlike wow retail, there are no do-overs. Food for thought and my hopes that you enjoy the best gaming experience ever, revisited :slight_smile:


So true. I am excited about it.

Thank you for the reminder! I agree!

Also, it’s cool and all if you help some random person burn down a MOB, just remember unless you’re grouped you won’t get credit for the kill. It’s just being helpful, so still worth doing : )
(Or in my case stopping to heal up someone who pulled an add, just because)
In the case of kill quest mobs, why not go ahead and group up?
Edit: More remembers
Everyone - It’s okay to use death for a short cut to a res point if under level 10. No res sickness : )
Hunter’s - Remember to feed your pet.
Any Pet class - Turn off auto-taunt in full groups where there’s a tank.
Any Pet class - Dismiss pets in instances where you have to make jumps or falls so pet doesn’t run and pull entire instance to your group and wipe you.
Everyone - Don’t forget to go to trainer to get new skill ranks and don’t forget to equip those ranks (unless you want to intentionally use the lower rank).


Money saving tip: Only buy the skills you absolutely MUST have, and forsake the rest until later. Your gold pouch will thank you later.


Good post! I was actually just thinking of posting something very similar. It’s good to remind people right at the start that they are already building the reputation that will stay with them through their entire time here on Myzrael.

Honestly the biggest loss in Retail, to me, is the loss of community. I get how cross server LFG makes the game more convenient, but for me it doesn’t make the game better.

Of course, things work a little differently when you’re a skilled holy priest. Reputation is your friend, if you’re a good healer anyway . :slight_smile:

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