Friendly player names changed

All the friendly player names show up as white letters without guild name under it. I cannot figure out how to change it back to the way it was. Disabling all my addons it goes to the the regular names but healthbar instead of guildname under it. I feel like this is either a setting or ignorance on how to use Plater. I really just want the old school name plates back. This includes the level/elite markings on enemy NPCs and friendly player name with guild name under it. The way it was before Dragonflight or Shadowlands, can’t remember which expansion changed this around off the top of my head.

Any help would be appreciated. Any trolling would also be enjoyed.

Which version of the game?
Did you download todays update to Plater?

Hit Shift-V


I update my addons every day. It is for Retail Dragon flight. I never needed addon for this before DF or Shadowland.

Yep that fixed it, thanks I am glad it was something simple.