Friendly Nameplate Healthbar Height Stuck at Minimum Size

So, I’ve been toying around with friendly nameplate health bars as I’ll need to interact with them on Fyrakk.

I’ve gone through many ups and downs, and come to the conclusion that this is not an addon issue, as I disabled all addons and the issue still persists.

I’m able to alter the width by modifying the clickable area of friendly nameplates, but the height of the health bar is stuck razor thin, and won’t budge regardless of what I set the clickable height to.

I’ve included a screenshot for example. It doesn’t matter whether I make what script I run or what size I choose, the health bars stay at that height/thickness. I can modify the width any which way, but not the height.

Health Bar Screenshot

(I’m the OP)

Backed up and deleted Interface and WTF, still no change to bar height.

EDIT: I’m a moron and forgot what horizontal meant. Found NamePlateVerticalScale in AdvanceInterfaceOptions, set it back to 1, and now we’re good as new.